Master Manipulator

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Chapter 1 

Thomas Langley was barely paying attention to a word his wife was saying. His bright blue eyes stared blankly at the wall opposite as he sat at the kitchen counter of his luxurious mansion. It had been a long and tiresome day at work and, far from wishing to hear his wife talk irritably about her day, he longed for a peaceful nap in bed. Despite his long day, he still looked as smart and charming as he did before he left the house at 8am that morning. His curtained hair was gelled in the exact place it was when he had first styled it and his charcoal designer suit remained shiny and untouched by creases and stains. Appearance was something which he had prided himself on for many years. In his eyes, a true man of business worth any amount of money looked smart and preferably handsome. He knew well that his good looks and formal appearance drew a large amount of attention from female friends and colleagues alike, and he loved every moment of it. Once upon a time he had once loved the attention his wife gave him over his looks and flirtatious nature, but now, however, he found her tedious to express it lightly. She had, over the years, become too big for her boots with the money and gifts he had given her: The beautiful house, expensive clothes, jewellery and fast cars. It seemed as though she had almost forgotten her place as a woman and had no fear in irritating him senseless. In an ideal world, Thomas would quite easily have loved to remove her from his life and live alone, however the absence of food, sex and a companion for business nights out would not be quite as ideal.

“For goodness sake Tom are you even listening to me?!” Rachel said loudly.

Thomas shook quickly out of his trance and glanced over to his wife. She was stood next to the sink, her hand placed fiercely on her hip.  

“Of course.” he replied quickly. “Something about Julia right?”

Rachel rolled her eyes impatiently before turning around and continuing to wash up the dirty dishes left from dinner.

Thomas gripped the whiskey glass in front of him tightly. He hated her habit of eye rolling whenever he did something she did not approve of. Forcing himself to respond politely, he placed his hands instead on the counter. “What is it love? What has she done this time?”

She waited until the last dish found itself on the draining board before answering through gritted teeth. “If you were listening, you would know what she has done”

Thomas shot a look of loathing at her behind her back and proceeded to take a sip out of his glass. Julia was one of his wife’s nauseating and highly pompous friends from the local country club which she attended. Their friendship resembled that of a Yo-Yo. Whereas one day they would be the best of friends, the other they would be at each other’s throats. It was yet another boring and repetitive part of his wife’s life that he had very little care about.

Rachel dried her hands on a tea towel and took a seat opposite him on the counter. Despite her irritating personality, Thomas could not for the life of him find her ugly. Her face was radiant and clear of spots and wrinkles. She wore her usual bright red lipstick and her beautiful long brown hair rested on her shoulders as she stared across the counter at him sadly.

“What have I done?” she said, breaking the silence.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, these past couple of days you’ve been very distant, I can’t help but wonder what I’m supposed to have done for you to act like this.”

Would you like a fucking list? Thomas thought irritably.

“No.” Thomas replied. “It’s just been a very busy and hard week at the bank hon.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” she said with sympathy. “It’s been a hard week for me too, what with Julia being a bitch and all.”

Are you fucking serious?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2013 ⏰

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