Breeze - Prologue

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October 12th, 2011. 8 A.M.


Nick sat at his usual place, shivering from the wind, wearing nothing but a T-shirt, a hoodie and a pair of jeans. 

The same clothes he'd been wearing for 5 weeks.

All he could do at the moment was to just sit there, thinking and thinking.

With no other place to go, and no one to go with.

He dreamed of finding her, that one girl that has always been in his strange dreams.

He longed to find her, to meet her and get to know her.

In Nick's dreams, he always tried to talk to her, but there would be some sort of invisible wall that'd

prevent him from getting to her. Nick stood up now, being sick of sitting and doing nothing.

He had to get somewhere, and even though he had no clue of where to go, he had a feeling he had do something now. Because he had a feeling that something serious was about to happen.



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