Pete Wentz x Reader

22 1 1

Pete Wentz imagine:
Pete suggests you guys go on a date for your birthday. You go for a romantic picnic on the beach, just as you are about to eat tells you to close your eyes. You do as you're told.
he says sweetly and grabs your hands
"you know I love you very much" he places a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"We've been dating for a while now..." He sighs
"4 years to be exact" you interject. He laughs adoringly.
"Now, I'm going to count backwards from three, and when I do, I want you to open your eyes"
You nod your head and smile.
"Three" you hear pete shuffle on the ground
"Two" you feel the ocean breeze through your hair
"One" I gently open your eyes to see pete on one knee.
"OH MY GOD, PETE!" you yell, he is eating the sand
"I RUHV UHU" he says with a mouth full of sand. You're still screaming in horror.
"ES HISH WHAJ UOU WAN" he mumbles through mouths full of sand, he won't stop eating the sand. You take your picnic basket and run home in complete shock.
Later that night you think about everything that happened earlier. You open the picnic basket in hopes for some food. It's just sand.

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