Cigarettes and alcohol

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"Dude pass us a cig" Finn shouted, still laughing at Harvey's previous joke. "Had, har" I mocked his laugh before telling him to fuck off sternly. Yeah my friends were great, they just take all my shit sometimes. "What's got into you dick brain" Finn stood up and put his hand on my shoulder, I coldly shook him off. He didn't give a shit about me. I took a deep puff and stubbed out my cigarette. "I'm going home" i exclaimed. "Yo man, what's up?" Finn said, him and Harvey looking concerned now. "Nothing, I'm just tired" I lied. "Your old mans gonna flip when he smells that smoke on you" Harvey said, it was an obvious attempt to get me to stay out. But I couldn't care less. I wanted to go sit on my own in my room. Jesus was that so hard to understand. "And what? He already knows. And he knows worse" I laughed before jumping on my skateboard and riding off. "Later boys" I shouted. "Yeah um... Later?" Finn replied, Harvey just giving me a nod. It was true my dad knew way too much, but I suppose that's my own fault. With Sex, drugs and crime on the list I'm sure smoking was the least of his worries. He wasn't a stupid man, he knew what I was doing when I go out but he lost his control over me a long time ago. I'm gonna be honest, he pisses me off. With his pathetic rules and strict views. But he was still my dad.
"I'm back" I sighed, throwing my bag on the floor and kicking my skateboard across the room. "Where do you think you've been Grayson Clark" I rolled my eyes. "Out" I laughed and started walking upstairs. "You think this is funny do you?!" His voice was slowly raising. I span around "just a little bit" I said again, quite clearly taking the piss. I could see him getting angrier. "WELL IS THIS FUNNY?!!" He grabbed my bag and started going through it, throwing packets of crisp and bottles of pop all over the place. I quietly laughed. I knew exactly what he was looking for. "What's up dad?" I said softy but sarcastically. His glare was deathly. "Cigarettes... Alcohol... Weed..I can smell It on you, where is it?" The poor feller looked so confused. I was dying to laugh but I kept it under control. "I don't know what your talking about pops" I shrugged and walked up stairs. Once my bedroom door was slammed shut I pulled out the packets of cigarettes and drugs from my pocket and put them under my bed. I didn't even care if he found them, he knew anyway. But it was always better when he didn't...."

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