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Life is kinda strange if you think about it. Who knows if we were even supposed to exist. One day something just happened, then fast forward a few billion years through all of human history and it all lead to this moment, a moment I wasn't particularly happy about. Being the control freak I was, change wasn't something I looked forward to. Especially since I had to part in the 500 mile move from Washington DC to a small town in North Carolina called Steven's Pitch.

It wasn't a bad place. While we were moving in the furniture, our new neighbors invited us in and fed us homemade mac n cheese and started to tell us about the impending Fall Festival and the surplus of local businesses. They recommended a Thai place downtown that we should check out. Yes you heard right, there was a downtown.

A quaint little town had to have one I guess.

So there my new life began. I had my own room, my own stuff, no friends except for Unicorn, my bed mate since birth, and a new computer my family had bought for me as a way to appease me. They called it a Birthday Present but you get the gist.

Some might even say I had myself but I'd disagree. I left Katie Jones about 497 miles ago.

Now I was Kate. And I was going to turn this around.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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