Splintered Realities

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"Damn!" Ren hissed, pulling his hand away from the wooden support beam he had been leaning on, "Splinters are a bitch."

He brought a large, dirtied hand up to his face, squinting slightly as he examined the small piece of wood that had lodged itself in his finger.

"Leave it alone you big baby." Sota called from the far end of the room, "You can't expect not to get a splinter or two from an old place like this."

It was true; the abandoned warehouse the two boys had picked to set up camp in was definitely a long way off being a five-star hotel. The roof was leaking in several places, leaving stagnant puddles of water and mildew everywhere. The walls were made of rusted corregated iron and the whole structure was held up by a few measley MDF beams. Ren sighed and went to sit by Sota on a stack of dusty wooden pallets in the far corner of the room.

"It's classier than the last place we stayed." Sota chuckled, playfully elbowing Ren.

"Does a bus-stop shelter even count?" Ren huffed.

"Look, kid. I've said this a hundred times before and I'll say it again." Sota started his familiar rant and Ren slumped further down, leaning his head against the metal wall, "You jumped in the rabbit hole with me. You didn't have to come with me but you wanted to. Said you wanted to 'see something more than the same four walls every day of your life.' I told you that you wouldn't be living a life of luxury, that things would be difficult. I took you under my wing and what do I get for it? A whiney good-for-nothing teenager with a half-assed attitude!"

"Jeez, Sota." Ren yawned, "You're acting like my dad. You're only two years older than me."

"Feels like I must be at least a lifetime older than you." Sota growled.

"I hate this universe." Ren complained, ignoring Sota's comment, "When can we jump realities?"

"When we've made sure this one's secure." Sota replied, hovering his fingers over the pocket where his gun was.

Ren looked at Sota's hand and snorted quietly, "We haven't shot anything since we jumped here, let alone any Feeders. I'd say this universe is as clean as they come."

"We can't be sure yet, Ren." Sota stated emotionlessly, "Mistakes lose lives. I'm not going to take that risk. Now go to sleep; we have a lot to do tomorrow."

Ren nodded, throwing himself onto the floor- he loved to do childish things like that because he knew how much they irritated Sota. 

"Night S." he muttered.

"Goodnight." Sota replied, lying down on the dirt floor too. The two had perfected the art of falling asleep anywhere and it only took seconds for them to drift off.

Authors notes: 

First off, I'd like to apologise for any spelling errors. I'm typing up this story on my phone so it's quite difficult. Secondly, I like to thank anybody who's read this far through already (I promise the story does get more exciting!) And finally I'd like to ask you guys if you think I should describe the characters in the first few chapters or leave you to keep the image you make of them in your imagination? Thanks guys!

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