The Undercover Model ~ Re-written

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Hey guys! Okay some of you may have read the note in the old version of this story and some of you may have no idea what I'm talking about, but anyway, I'm re-writing this story because I don't really like the way it came out. Hopefully now it will be better and longer. Some of the chapters I found boring are going to be deleted and changed other things will be edited. New characters may appear, I'm not sure about that yet.

The old version is in the external link for those of you who haven't read it and want to. 

Thats enough from me so read on and enjoy.

Don't forget to comment and vote and please tell me if this is better than the old version or not, thanks =)

“Oh my God! Where are the fashion police when you need them?” shrieked Ji Ji.

“They would like, totally give you a life time sentence!” cried Mi Mi. Can’t a person enjoy being their dorky self without getting insulted? Apparently not. Rolling my eyes at their childish minds I kept on walking to my locker, head down. Not that I couldn’t come up with some witty come back, but because I didn’t really want to be noticed at school. That’s the way it’s been for the past two years for me. Go to school dressed as hideously as possible then go to work and let stylists work their magic. You’re probably wondering, why put up with it?

Well that’s because I’m a famous model. I have to go to school after uglyfi-ing myself so that I wouldn’t get noticed. Yes, I’m that famous. Every day I have to put on a wig that looks like a rat’s nest, shoes that probably came from my great, great, great grandmother’s closet, the dorkiest button up shirts and knee length skirts, huge glasses that cover half my face, fake braces (don’t even ask) and long socks. Yep that’s the life I have to put up with in order to keep my secret. I even have a fake name. I go to school as Amy Sanders, but model as AJ, which stands for Amelia Jane but of course no one knows that except for my family. I would say friends, but then I would be lying, I didn’t have any. I used to before I started in the business but because of previous events I no longer do.

Rummaging for my books, I heard the tell tale shrieks and squeals that meant Eric Robinson was walking through the hallway. Sure enough when I turned around, there he was, walking down in all his hotness. All the girls in school had a crush on him, including yours truly. He had recently broken up with his girlfriend so every single girl was trying to leave an impression on him. Seeing that I defiantly didn’t have a chance dressed like this, I didn’t even try. I kept my crush to myself. Eric wasn’t one of those popular guys that were the biggest jerks in the world; rumour has it that he’s as sweet on the inside as the outside.

Now how many guys like that can you find these days? Of course I wouldn’t know if the rumour was true or not seeing that I never spoke to him but I’ve never heard of him being mean to anyone. But then again I was the reject at this school so no one told me anything.

Spotting a chance, Ji Ji practically ran to him and stapled herself to his side. Now if this were about looks, she would defiantly win. But seeing that looks aren’t everything, she won’t. Rolling my eyes at her desperateness I headed off to my next class. Something I’ve discovered from being here, if you don’t want anyone to notice you, go to class before the bell rings.


Once the final bell rang I made my way out of the school doors. I walked down the street until I came to the alley I always stopped in. I waited in the alley for a few minute until my limo came. The kids at school didn’t know I was rich either.

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