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*Please read A/N @the end


 ~~~                           ~~~                              ~~~


*Children giggling* “Haha, Where are you Marcy? Where ever you are I’m gonna find you!”

“No you won’t.”

“Oh really?..... Found you!”

“Ahhhh! Zach found me!”

“Haha, yep and now I’ve got you!”

“Ahh, Zach stop, stop tickling me, haha”

~~~                           ~~~                              ~~~

“Oh so it’s Zachary and his family that are staying with us,” I say to my mother in an oh-now-I-get-it kind of tone.  “Yes, Marcy and I want you to be on your best behavior you hear?”  “Of course! When am I not?” I respond sarcastically to my mother with a sly smile on my face.  “I’m serious Marceline,” my mother pushes with a hard expression on her face. “I got it, best behavior I will, I will,” I say putting my hands up in surrender. “So when are they coming any way?” 

“Three days.”

“Why exactly?”

“For your 17th birthday.”

“Uhm, aren’t they a little late? My birthday was nearly a month ago. Why are they coming now?”



“Honey it’s not good to ask so many questions.”

“I’m just curious”

“Curiosity is what killed the cat.”

I gave my mother a long hard stare before jumping off the kitchen counter and making my way up to my room. “Don’t forget to clean your room for our company,” my mom yells from down stairs. Why do I need to clean MY room? Will the guest be staying in it? NO! So why even bother. “Ok,” I call. It’s not gonna happen.

When I get to my room I shut the door and throw myself onto my bed. I stare up at the ceiling and close my eyes. So Zachary Carino’s coming to visit. I haven’t seen him in four years, it seems like ages.  Zach and I use to be best friends when we were little and he lived across the street. We literally did everything together. We played together, went to school together (we were in the same class every year), we even bathed together (only when we were like babies of course)….ok TMI, but it’s true. Ha, I even remember when we were six years old and we got married back in the woods by the old creek. But when he turned thirteen something happened and at the time I didn’t understand what was going on. His parents wouldn't let me see him. He even stopped coming to school. Though one day I saw him back by the creek where we use to play. I hadn’t seen him in so long; I was thrilled and wasn’t thinking. I ran up behind him and hugged him from behind. Then he did the most unexpected thing, he growled. And it, it wasn’t human. It sounded like some kind of dog. Then he snarled and turned around throwing me with full force against a tree. I was in so much shock that I barely felt any pain. I remember looking at his face. He looked like a monster, some sort of demon. His perfect jet black hair was in an untamed mess; his warm, gentle blue eyes had a dark, fierce hunger that petrified your soul and the worst part of all was his blood-stained mouth with red fangs protruding from his lips. I knew what he had done after staring at the deer by his feet. He had killed it, gruesomely. It was torn completely in half, its torso missing. He had…eaten…it. I stared into his violent eyes and saw them start to fade back into their gentle calm state. He took a few unstable steps towards me and with every step he took I back away burying myself deeper into the tree. He suddenly looked hurt and sorry. Then a thin sheet of white appeared over his eyes and he threw his head back letting out a long wolf-like howl that caused me to shiver. Then he fell on the ground, hard.

It all happened so quickly, and this is the event that changed my life forever. After about five minutes Zach’s dad came dashing towards us. He bent down to his knees in front of his son and shook his head. Then he turned to look at me with apologetic eyes and then back at Zach. He bent down scooping Zach up in his arms and turned to me. “Now you know Marceline. You know a very guarded secret of ours. Go home and tell your mother and show her this.” He walked over to me and took my arm placing a small kiss on it. Then he stood up and simply walked out of the woods. I sat there for what seemed like eternity trying to let everything that I had just witnessed settle in. Then I did what Mr.Carino told me to do and showed my mother my arm. The expression  on her face was unreadable, after that she sat me down with my father and they told me everything.

~~~                           ~~~                              ~~~

“Now Honey, I know you have a million questions but please just sit quiet we’re about to explain everything,” my mother  started. “Well… she trailed off looking at my father.

“Marceline,” my dad began “we’re werewolves.” And at that single moment I thought my parents were completely insane, but as they kept explaining it all slowly started to sink in.

“And Zachary and his family are werewolves too, but they are a special type of wolf. They are referred to as Alphas. This means they are the strongest and most powerful of werewolves. And what you witnessed today was Zachary hunting. It’s a part of something he must do to train to become a better wolf and then one day Alpha.” They explained more about Alphas and packs and all that jazz and that since Zach is so young and inexperienced it’s hard for him to control his inner wolf (which is something every werewolf has btw). “Then why hasn’t my inner wolf came out yet? Why haven’t I heard her? I am a werewolf too right?” I questioned eagerly to know the answer. “Well dear,” my mother took the floor this time “it’s different for females. A girls’ inner wolf comes out a month after her 16th birthday. Then after that it takes about a year to adjust to things. Also another special affair happens after a girls’ 16th birthday, it’s when she finds her mate.”

 ~~~                           ~~~                              ~~~

 Then my mother explained the whole ‘mate’ thing. It’s simply the person you will have strong ‘special’ (aka sexual) feelings for, and you’ll feel sparks in your heart when they are near. And you’ll live the rest of your life with them fully in love in your happy little fairy tale land Ladee Dadee Dee yeah whatever. You see the thing is it’s been a year since I turned 16 and I still haven’t met my mate.  And I’m not going to lie on my 16th birthday I was so thrilled to finally meet the man of my dreams, but price charming never showed up! And all of my friends are lovey-dovey and happy together planning their futures while I sit here mate-less (forever alone). And I know I’m mate-less since a female and her mate are born in the same pack and I haven’t felt sparks with any of the males in my pack. But you know what, I’m happy being mate-less! I don’t need a man in my life I’m perfectly fine…alone….forever…..mate-less.

 ~~~                           ~~~                              ~~~

*Authors Note*

So yeah this is my first story I hope I get some reads. It really hasn't gotten interesting yet (sorry bout that). I rated this PG-13 because of some 'more interesting' parts later on;)  Plz leave comments and votes? Maybe? No? Ok then. Well yeah that's pretty much it uhmk...I'm done

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⏰ Senast uppdaterad: Jul 18, 2013 ⏰

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