Chapter Five

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After about maybe five minutes of power walking past Sunset Station, with Wesley leading the way, heading toward the parking lot outside the Alamo Dome, we eventually started walking fast. Throughout the entire time I kept myself as calm as possible, keeping my questions to myself until we're deemed safe.

Also, I couldn't help but wonder if Malena will be okay. My heart is telling me to take Wesley's word about Malena being able to overcome the people who'd attacked us. However, my head is literally screaming, "She is not going to be okay!" My head is also wondering how in the hell is she able to produce those magical orbs she used to defend herself.

This should be impossible.

Stuff like this should only happen in movies, and other works of fiction.

I should just turn around, hail a cab or jump onto a VIA Bus, and try to get home as fast as possible. Once I make it I would've gone to my room, crawled into bed, and pray to God that whatever happened today never happened and that it was all a dream.

However, if Wesley knows about whatever Malena could do, who knows what he is capable of. Once that thought came through, all thoughts of escape were immediately out of the question. Also, even if I could leave, those people could be following me since I'd witnessed the attack. Since I'd prefer to stay alive.

As we continued walking through the endless rows of cars—must be some concert going on because otherwise it would've been deserted—I couldn't help but notice that the warm feeling that I felt earlier hadn't left. In fact, ever since Wesley had arrived, it had yet to dissipate.

"We're here." Wesley's voice broke through, bringing me back to this new reality.

I followed his gaze to see his black car that I saw the other day when he picked up Malena from school. Up close, it looked more average than sleek, especially with a few dents and key scratches here and there. However, once he unlocked the car and entered through the passenger seat, the interior was the exact opposite.

Inside, it looked like something...futuristic.

It is definitely sleek. It's as if the entire inside of a car was covered with aluminum foil. At that moment as I sat down, I could feel my jaw gapping open.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Wesley said smugly.

It was as if he was trying to lighten the mood. I can't honestly say that he was failing, but at lest he was trying. Probably not the best time to be showing off your cars coolest features, especially in a situation as odd as this one.

At this point I already stopped caring.

However, I reluctantly turned toward Wesley only to see a brief smile on his lips before he began to start the car. Yep, just as I thought, he is definitely trying to show off. Typical male. I barely had time to strap myself in as he peeled out of the parking lot, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest thanks to the unexpected speed of the car.

"Do you really have to go so fast?" I didn't realize that the words had escaped from my mouth until I saw Wesley's knuckles blanch.

"They could still be nearby." He said curtly.

"Who are they?"

He immediately went back to the silent treatment. His eyes—which now look intense—never wavered from the road in front of him. When I realized that he is not going to respond, I just sat there ad continued to stare out the passenger side window.

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