Ms. Abbots School for Extraordinary Children

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Chapter One/ Alexandra

I longingly stare out the window, eager to leave school and go home. Before i left my parents had told me to get home quickly, because they had a surprise. Maybe i was the thirteenth birthday gift they had yet to get me? My birthday was yesterday and- my thoughts were interrupted by Mr.Burmer's nasally voice. "Alexandra, are you paying attention?" I looked up to see him standing over me. "It's Alex." I muttered. "Well, 'Alex' seeing you can't pay attention in class... maybe you can pay attention in detention." The class snickered and Mr.Burmer smiled and turned around. "Thats my fourth this week! Come ON Mr. Burmer! Give me a break!" He turned around on his heels and glared at me. "Do you wish to make it five Alexandra?" He added emphasis as he said Alexandra. "Spend more time with you? No thanks." He smirked at me and held up five fingers. "Oh, too bad. Five detentions."

When i didnt respond he walked back to the front of his room, chuckling the whole way. I hated him, i hated him so much. It seemed like his whole life was revolved around making mine miserable. "I wish you would just die." It came out louder than i expected. I quickly clamped my hand over my mouth, eyes wide. The whole class, including Mr.Burmer turned to face me. Suprise in my class mates eyes and pure hate in Mr.Burmers. "What did you just-" before he could finish his sentence his face contored into a scary look. It was full of pain and fear. Then out of no where,a flame errupted on his hand. He screamed and then tried to pat it off on his knee. (which was extremely dumb, i might add) When he patted his hand on his knee, his knee caught on fire. Causing him to panic and stop drop and roll. The fire was contagious... and not going out. It only spread to the rest of his body. The process continued until it covered everything but his pain filled face. "Why would you do this to me?" He whispered before collapsing into an ashy heep on the floor. I didnt know what to do or say until a boy in my class yelled out "Somebody call 911!" I pushed my chair back and ran out of the class room.

Not having the time to decide what to do, i ran down the hallways, past all the old blue lockers until i reached the front doors...

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