Chapter 1: People

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I awoke to the sound of two voices that seemed to arguing about something. It was a male's and female's voice.

Female: "Ugh.. Just stop already!! No matter how many times you kick the door it won't open!"

Male: "Shut up! It'll work! Only if you guys would help me then we could have gotten out of here already! Johnny, Chester get your lazy butts over here and help me!"

Another male: "Sorry Vincent but I agree with Elaine here. You've been kicking the door for like 20 minutes or something. You should just stop.."

Female: "See Johnny agrees!"

Male: "That's just an excuse!"

After hearing more banging noises and yelling. I began to notice this stench. The putrid stench of death hung heavily around the room. I felt like a train hit me. My head was pounding and I couldn't get up. If I tried to get up my body will be pain. My whole body felt like jelly. Since I couldn't get up and wanted to ignore the awful stench I decided to look at the wonderful walls around me. There were blood stains on the walls. Well that ruined my mood. I looked at the floor the strange part about the floor is that the floor is perfectly clean.. It's as if-

"Hey you're awake little dude!" a penetrating voice said ripping me apart from my thoughts. "My name is Johnny! Nice to meet you!" He held out his hand. His voice made me uncomfortable but I got up slowly and every inch of my body ached. I guess this is how parents feel when they deal with kids. I shook his hand. Johnny was a tall guy who looked like puberty hit him straight in the face. His face has pimples all over it. He has green hair with a red jacket unzipped and dark green shorts. After shaking hands there was this awkward silence and we were just staring at each other.


I turned to see a male who had the look like he was about kill me and a girl who looked like a angel.

"I'm sorry to interrupt the bromance but-" She was cut off by the male "Hey if you're helping then help if not then sit down and be quiet."

Johnny put his hand on my shoulder and whispered "The girl is Elaine and and the jerk is Vincent. They act like a married couple."

The 'married couple' resumed what they were doing a few minutes ago. Yelling. Elaine had blond hair and was wearing a sweater and jeans. The jerk had a white shirt and slacks. There were two other people in the room. A girl with long braided purple hair had her face in a book. I don't like reading. It never seemed to catch my attention. I went to look at the other person. He had his head down so all I could get from him was orange hair and ragged clothes. I'm jealous. Everyone in this room has cool hair. I just have black hair. How boring. Instead of helping Vincent I decided to talk with Elaine.

There was this silence once again. I never knew how to start a conversation nicely nor how to end it properly. I guess talking isn't my thing. Elaine broke the silence by saying "You must feel like crap right?"
"Yeah My body felt like jelly I couldn't move.."
"You're moving now"
"Well I forced myself to get up and now I feel worse"
"Don't worry it'll wear off."
"So, do you remember anything before this?" She questioned.
"No everything is a blur."
"We all experienced-

Vincent once again interrupted our conversation and shouted "Why won't this bloody door open?!" He kicked it once more and then stopped to catch his breath. "YES! I DID IT" Johnny! Shortie! Come over here!"

Shortie? I wondered who that could be..


I looked at him. "COME OVER HERE." I realized he was talking to me and went over. Being short sucks. " I want you guys to open this door then check if a monster is there. If there is a monster at least you guys will be eaten first."

" OH HELL NO!" Johnny shouted. "let shortie over here die! Not me!"

Johnny pushed me over to the door. Wow what a nice friend I have..

I looked at the door and noticed it had dents in them. No it wasn't from Vincent.. It was from the outside. So whatever made these dents.. is still out there.. I gulped and turned the handle. Everyone was silent. All I could hear was the door creaking open and the sound of my own heart. It felt like it was beating so loud that it seemed what ever was behind the door could hear it.

I opened it. A new smell filled the room. It smelled like the intestines of a fish on the verge of spoiling. Yeah don't ask how me how I know that smell. I pinched my nose so did everybody else expect Elaine who barfed. I peeked outside. What I saw made me barf.

Cockroaches crawled all over the bloodstained walls and floor. They even were crawled on what seemed to be flesh or the remains of a decayed human. The remains seemed to torn apart by whatever did this. I am glad that we were all stuck in the room while this was going on. But it seemed to know that we were in there. Why else would there be dents in the door?

"Is it clear?" I had no idea whose voice that was but, I answered. "Yeah it's clear.."

Everybody barfed. After what took like a hour of barfing. Vincent announced that we go left since the right had more blood. No one questioned him but followed his lead. I asked book girl her name. She replied "Brigid." I did the same to orange boy and he said "Chester." After that I told them my name. I asked Brigid what book she was reading was about and she said its about a man who fights with his other self. That's pretty cool but I'm not the type to just sit down and read a book but the book did sound interesting. I asked for a summary of the first chapter. She gave a confused look to me and didn't want to talk to me anymore. I went to Chester and he said to go away. Man, these guys are mean.

While we were walking I felt like I was being watched so I turned back and saw that we weren't in the same place. We were in a completely different area. The walls didn't have blood , there were no cockroaches and there was no flesh. A faint figure that looked like a person could be seen in the distance. That person chuckled and said

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen, Thank you for coming. Hmm.. you must be wondering how did you get here? Sorry that's for you to solve. In order to solve your question you must wander bout and try not to be erased. OH.. There's one more thing I must tell you. In this world to survive there's only one thing to do.. go mad."

To be continued in the next Chapter: Illusions...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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