Muted conversations

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A heart, labeled what keeps love stored.
A lie, in which we choose to ignore
For our own fantasized world.
Our love
Is stored in our thoughts.
A feeling,
Which can wither and rot
Depending on how you treat the thought.
Wrapping it around your head
And thinking about what needs to be said
But I
Can't say one word.
Actions can replace what needs to be heard.
And I can hear your selfish thought through sound and actions.
And I know
You don't have a heart
And your thoughts are not your own.
You are easily controlled..

I can hear you say "I Love You" "I Love you"
I can hear you say "I Hate You" "I Loath you"
I can only think "I Miss You"  "Please Come Back"

Our love used to be kept up by muted conversations.
Our hatred and fear is kept up by the silent treatment.
Nothing is different in sound
And everything is different in action and thought.
And in a twisted path
Through each of our thoughts
Trapped behind a wall of thick glass
Are memories that leave us to ask ourselves
"Can I go back?" "Can I change just one thing, that lead to this mess?"
There is no door to what was,
There is only a reality that we face head on.

Now, your thoughts became your prison that you thought was under your control.
The key to a world that you had dreamed of ruling one day.
A deal that you made with yourself
That you cannot break.

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