The Tale Of Armorus

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Its was a quiet night in Greece and few thought it a bit too quiet. So they posted guards outside the doors even slaves only armed with broomsticks. Inside they carefully planned houses the men could not sleep they say for worry of death drove them astray. So they got up and sat on their chairs and watched the door. All men did this even the gods for it twas the Winter Solstice that day. So Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Ares, Pan, Hephaestus, Dionysus, Nemesis, Hermes, Apollo, and all the others sat in their chairs and watched the door.

Just as they thought they were safe they heard a cry coming from the oracle. So they donned their cloaks and shields and swords and headed out to see what had happened. When they got the oracle was lying on the ground panting and choking. Zeus picked her up and shook her around, " WHAT IS IT OH MIGHTY ORACLE!" Zeus demanded for he was angry at her for his waking. " Its just... Its ju-" Suddenly the Oracle went rigid and green mist began to pour from her mouth. She then began to speak in an old raspy voice:

The Blacksmiths Mistake Shall Bring Him Forth,

       The One Who Is Pure Shall Become Tainted. From

       Them He  Shall Be Born A Peasant, Till Old Then 

        Something more. The Cloak Shall Mark His

        Coming Of Age. Sun Giver Shall Try To Destroy

What He Cannot Engrave.

Then the Oracle fell to her knees and the life force was gone. The great Oracle had moved on. Zeus turned back and looked upon his brothers and sons and said to them, " The Oracle has gone mad no one of us called her to speak did they?" The other gods shifted uneasily. Finally Hades spoke up, "My brother Zeus should we not try to decipher this speaking before we call to blame the one that called it to happen?" Zeus then bellowed with rage, " What! You state that the gods should do ourchildren's work! Then it must've been you who utter the words into the oracle!" Hades shifted uncomfortably, " Brother this is not my doing if you remember the decree you issued before banishing me to the underworld." Suddenly hades called up a skeletal cyclops to  use. Its voice shifted to Zeus' but not from the present from 8 eons ago it was younger more cocky, " And lastly if my brother of the dead, Hades, tries to use the Oracle he shall be chopped up and thrown into the pit of Tartarus and join our "loving" father Kronos any objection... None then it is done." The cyclops then stopped talking and jumped back into the crack as it was closing, " See brother why would I willingly condemn myself!? " Hm, you speak the truth, either way whoever has done it will be killed when found out. For now let us return to Olympus and begin our yearly meeting, even if we have to share it with Hades." At this the gods began to run back to their home. 


Once back they spent a long time explaining to their wives why they were gone. Zeus had a little more explaining to do than the other gods for every time he was gone for more the 20 minutes his wife, Hera, assumed he was cheating on her. " NO honey i was not out finding more wives in the market. There was a problem with the oracle and we had to go deal with it!" Zeus said frustratingly, " What could be wrong with the oracle!!!! Its meant to speak our words!!! Just find out who sent the message and ask them!!!" Hera said nagging, " Honey, we can't figure out who did it. For now we will hold council and request the minor gods attend. Then we can find out whats going on here!" As Zeus finished Hermes rushed into the room, " L-Lord Zeus its Artemis she's, uh, she's.. Well something's wrong with her!" Zeus quickly grabbed his master bolt and charged out of the room.


Hades was having a  bad day. First he had to sit awake all night guarding the door of his home. As if anyone or anything could get past his skeletal armada. He constantly had hundreds or even thousands if skeletal warriors standing guard nothing could get past them. Even the great Achilles was almost vanquished, and that was the time of the year they were the least effective. Then Persephone's mother decided to visit. Erg, how he hated that vile woman and her incessant grain hording. After she decided to leave, Zeus ran by shouting something about the Oracle and wrong doings. On top of that he got blamed for whispering a false prophecy into the Oracles ear. Now he was sitting on his throne while all the other gods visited amongst each other. They all were quiet once his brother Poseidon entered the room. " Ah, Hades its... good... to see you again." Poseidon cooed, " Our brother Zeus isn't present yet I see. Does this have anything to do with the family " leader"?" Hades grumbled something in response. He assumed the family leader was Hera, she was constantly trying to gussy up Hephaestus or fix his attitude. A "family leader" was putting it mildly she was a marriage demon. As if Aphrodite would ever stop cheating on her husband it just wansn't gonna happen. He had little time to dwell on these things though as Artemis walked into the room and spewed her guts all over the place. All the gods except for him rushed to her side. She wasn't sick nothing was wrong with her. He was the god of death it was easy for him to tell. Then Zeus rushed in, " Artemis my daughter what happened!" he knelt beside her and stroked her cheek comfortingly. Then he looked up at Hades and glared, " WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" Hades simply rolled his eyes. This was going to be a long solstice.


 Hephaestus was, surprisingly, happy about the council this year. Usually it was just a nuisance distracting him from building his machines. This prophecy had presented him with a unique opportunity. It had said something about a blacksmith and the pure one. He assumed the blacksmith was him but, what about a mistake. There were only three ways to make something; Building it, Pregnancy, and Thought. His own wife had been born from thought. Then he thought about him and Aphrodite. He had been forced to abandon his post because she wanted to celebrate their anniversary. So he has drowsily roused and went to their bedroom. He remembered the journey being longer than he expected and the fire was out for some reason. She had resisted the whole time but his strength had prevailed he assumed it was just her idea of "fun". He was distraught when he heard Zeus calling he thought that monsters had invaded Olympus. Then he remembered his alarm system had not gone off. So he reached for his hammer... but, it was not there he then looked around and saw bows and arrows lining the walls. "Hph..." he grunted. Aphrodite must've redecorated. Then he walked out and into the machine that he had installed in all the Olympians homes. The machine then calculated who was on the platform by weight, height, and physical appearance. It would then use the magic creating source he had created for it by using a cell multiplier and pushing all of his magic, at the time, into it. Then the magic would be stored in a alternate dimension were magic flowed freely and visibly. That way he could see if the machine was losing magic through a trans dimensional hole in the universe or something along those lines. Then it would launch a scan of all human records of that particular god/goddess and see what they do and the objects they're typically seen with or using. Lastly it would charge up a magic burst and suddenly create the objects ( more or less they actually disappeared from human homes or temples and were transported onto the 20x12 platform. All this was accomplished in less than 1/100 of a millisecond. So most of the gods sat down before the chairs were even there. Which is also the cause of 4 in 10 lighting bolts. Since it was accomplished so quickly most of the gods didn't appreciate the complexity of the machine. So when its owned stepped on it instantly teleported his current project on an anvil. It was a new casing frame for Zeus' master bolt. He decided this after he dropped it for the 6th time and almost burned Athens to the ground. His hammer then appeared in his hand and he got to work. The reason he didn't truly need a forge is because, being the god of fire, he had infused his hammer with incredible. This both made a portable forge and a really bad burn in battle. It may not seem like a long time to forge even a inch of a project because the ride took little more than 10 seconds, mostly because of the disturbance of monsters. Because to get to the throne room the platform goes through 8 dimensions. In those 10 seconds he finished one of the 12 strips of bronze that would soon surround the bolt. The purpose of the case was so when dropped the bolt wouldn't go off randomly and destroy a city or from time to time a minor god. Hephaestus then got off the platform and stepped out in the throne room. As he expected no one was there. So he sat on his throne and rested is head on an automatic pillow. As he laid down head it adjusted to fit his head. He awoke later and began his pondering. Then suddenly Artemis came running out of a platform and puked all over the Olympus floor. Normally she would be expelled for the day. But, this was Artemis she knew when she was sick. Zeus then came pounding in and saw her on the floor. He then began yelling at Hades. Who simply rolled his eyes and said, " It wasn't me brother why would i willingly condom myself?" He stated irritably. Hephaestus sighed this was going to get chatty.


When Artemis ran in Apollo instantly thought about jeering something her bow not being beside her at all times.Then she threw and he sprung out of his blazing chair and was by her side in an instant. " Artemis, my sister what is wrong" Then he looked up just in time to get out of the way of Zeus as he thundered near. He ran to he side and began yelling at Hades. Erg, even if he was concerned with his sister he had time to be annoyed at Zeus for blaming Hades yet again. He did almost everyday and it was getting ridiculous. " Please Zeus can we get back to the matter at hand." Apollo said roughly, " RAH, fine whatever Artemis are you ok?" Zeus said, " I'll be fine. Just let me sit down." 


and that good wattpadders is my first chapter i leave you only with a goodbye and some questions. What do you think is wrong with Artemis? Do you like the ramblings of me on Hephaestus inventintions cause its really really fun for me? but anyway please fan and vote thanks


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