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Has anyone ever wondered what happens after a fairy tale ends? I'm not talking about the, "They kiss and live happily ever after" bit. I'm talking about after that, maybe a week, or a month, or even five years after the happily ever after kiss. Do you think the princes and princesses are still happy? Or does a certain prince charming start to smell a little too much like his horse? Do a couple princesses start acting a little too much like their step-mothers? Do the fairies go crazy and kill all those creepy talking animals in some sudden onset of mental disease that causes them to want new coats made of real fur?

            Okay maybe that last one was pushing it, but seriously hasn't anyone ever wanted to know what happens after happily ever after?  Here are some of my theories:

1.      They go through life in a "true love" induced daze where every day is a sappy, wonderful replay of their little "happily ever after" moment. Hence the phrase "Happily ever after"

2.      They go about as a regular married couple with small magical things happening to keep it interesting and relatively happy. The princess will stay sweet and nice and the prince will be sensitive and passionate and every woman's dream guy. So, a little less "ever" but still plenty of "happily and after".

Or the most reasonable theory:

3.      They end up unhappy and hating each other. Little Miss Princess gets the castle. The prince moves to the summer home they decided he could keep and the fairies and animals are caught in the middle.

            This brings me back to the animal killing and coat making frenzy. Just saying it could happen; divorce gets ugly and turns seemingly sane people into very ugly people. I should know my parents were very big on the divorce option. Actually my mom likes divorce and what it turns people into so much that she's done it, like five times.

            But don't worry this story is not about my mother or her love life. This story is about me and my love life. Well my soon to be non-existent love life I mean. So I'll ask again, what happens after happily ever after? What is the real ending to that beautiful romantic comedy you and your friends love to watch? Anyone know? I do, because I am currently living it. So this is my post- happily ever after. And just so no one's disappointed later on and starts protesting, even though they should know that I really don't care what they think; I'm going to say this very clearly: This is not a fairy tale. This is not a stupid romantic comedy. And above all else this is definitely, absolutely, positively not a love story.

XX So this is a new story of mine that I've been working on and since I realized if I don't get feed back it won't get better I decided to post it and see what you guys think. So comment, vote, message. Just tell me if it seems interesting and I'll post the first chapter so that you can critique that one too. Now remember the difference between constructive criticism and just being plain rude, and don't be afraid to just post "I love it!" Those comments make me feel just as good. I'll be going between this story and Roses are Red so bare with me! Most of this IS already written though so whatever! Love you guys and I'll see ya later!XX

~LaLa OUT!

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