Chapter 1

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[Chapter one- Single]
[Not edited]
[No point of view]

God this was torture.

The redhead stood patiently inside his blond friends office. He didn't particularly have a smile on his face- I mean who would? This was the tenth, maybe fifteenth time his dear friend was forcing the poor redhead to go clubbing with him. Clubbing was usually fun! Full of drinking, dancing, and sometimes if your lucky- fucking. This of course meant nothing to the solitary red-head.

He was head-over-heels in love.

The male stiffened slightly at the sound of the office door being opened, he turned to face a smug looking blond standing at the door's frame. The blond wore a rather tight white button up shirt that revealed the man's sleek smooth body, along with a pair of black slacks and dressing shoes to match. This wasn't his usual dress attire of course. Usually the blond was spontaneous with his attire- although the red head did admire the slick look it gave his blond friend.

"So Gaara-chan you ready?"

Gaara gave him a cold glare before crossing his arms, "first you drag me around as your wing-man to loud annoying clubs, and now you call me a female. I really can't stand you sometimes Naruto." His voice was stern and serious though the red-head meant nothing of what he said.

Except the annoying loud clubbing- that was true.

Naruto placed a mischievous grin across his tanned features, "you never know Gaara, you might find the one today- hm?" His voice held a playful ring to it, giving away his joke. Naruto knew perfectly well his friend was a defined loner. Not once had his friend turned to look at any woman or human in that case- he was a block of ice that took years to melt, luckily Naruto did have years of melting with him. They had been childhood friends way back then.

"Haha real funny Uzumaki."

Naruto slightly stiffened at the mention of his last name, he knew Gaara meant business when he pulled out his last name.

"Naruto... I'm not really feeling up to it today- I've had a long day at the office and I'm just not in the mood f-"


Gaara's eyes slightly twitched at the sound of the blond pleading to him- perhaps he was thinking of Naruto pleading for something else?

"Gaara- I need you with me, nobody else will go with me and you damn right know that! Kiba always ends up in a hotel fucking someone, Sakura is well... Sakura for fuck sake! Everyone el-"

"That's a loud of bullshit Uzumaki and you know it, you end up fucking in a hotel too- you can't blame Kiba."

Gaara knew the blond too well.

Naruto sighed heavily at the statement and came a little too close to his red headed friend making Gaara avoid any eye contact.

"Please- just... just today. Please!"

The red head rolled his emerald eyes in annoyance, he always did fall for Naruto's idiotic and repetitive pleads. Taking in a deep sigh, Gaara knew he was going to regret his decision sonner or later, but at this point he didn't give a fuck.


Naruto's eyes beamed with excitement and joy- Gaara couldn't help but smile slightly towards his childish reaction.

"Okay- you wait here, I have some clothes in my office bathroom! I'll go change. I promise Gaara, we'll find you some babe to sleep with tonight for sure!" The pumped blond quickly exited the office, not sparring a single glance towards the now angry red-head

He remembered why he hated clubs so much now.


Sweat, bodies, alcohol, and regret.

That was all you needed to describe a club- especially a night club. Gaara nervously pressed against bodies as he tried his best to keep up with the hyperactive blond leading the way. He could think of any better place to be, for example- his house, the gym, a restaurant, a dumpster.

Any other place?

He sighed in relief as his eyes finally came across the bar- where he would most likely spend his night. Naruto sat down eagerly rushing Gaara to sit next to him, which Gaara gladly obliged to. The red head slammed his face against the bar counter, groaning in frustration- never had the solitary man hated humans more than when in a club.

Naruto of course knew this.

"Oh come on Gaara! You gotta admit you like it here- hey Sir. two drinks here, make them whiskey please!"

Gaara watched as the blond ordered them both an alcoholic drink. Gaara loved alcohol, he'd never admit to it- but he might of loved alcohol more than humans to be honest. Humans could hurt and be hurt, alcohol could erase bad memories... but replace them with a bad headache.

Talk about a bad romance.

Before he knew it- an alcoholic beverage was placed before him. He immediately pulled up his face and drunk down the whiskey without hesitation- the burning sensation of alcohol running down his throat made his mind run wild. The red head admitted- he had quite the addiction to alcohol.

Naruto watched in amusement as his friend loosened up immediately with the whisky he had ordered them, he knew just his weak spot- and sadistically enjoyed picking at him.

Soon his azure eyes roamed the club, landing on a timid looking female. She had gorgeously long violet hair, a curvy body in all the right places, and everything about her drove the blond a bit crazy. But then his eyes landed on her... companion? He had almost longer hair than her, a plain face- and pale skin, with matching pale eyes.

How to get rid of him.

He immediately faced his now woozy friend on his fifth drink.

"Already getting woozy I see Gaara- how about a little flirting?" The blond lifted his eyebrow in a seductive way, giving the red head a hint that he actually needed some help himself. This of course went unnoticed by the red-head, causing him to blush vividly and look away.

"Wh-what do you mean flirting?"

Naruto rolled his eyes in annoyance, he hated it when Gaara got too drunk. He would always lose focus and misread things easily.

"Look over there," the Uzumaki pointed towards the pair of Hyugas sitting across the bar, "I really want that chick sitting next to the long haired dude- I know how intimidating and attractive you are, so go over there and win over the dude!" The blond finished with a wide from of triumph.

"You want me to f-flirt with a dude?"

Naruto's eyes slightly widened at the question, "Well I mean... yeah? Is that too much? I thought you w-"


The blond was cut off by Gaara's drunken response. He couldn't believe his ears! Naruto always thought Gaara was secretly homosexual, he never thought him to be the kind of guy to pick up women- but to hear it out loud was overwhelming! He watched as the overly confident drunk made his way towards the pair sitting next to each other, then a sudden pain in his chest ached.

Gaara was actually doing this.

End of Chapter one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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