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King's Cross Station was, as usual, full of people. Struggling with their luggages, leaving London, arriving to London, or returning to London after a trip.

There were always many kinds of people. Tired people, excited people, happy people, or maybe people who were sad to say goodbye to their families. And sometimes, you could be able to see anxious people.

Harry Styles, apparrently, was one of those. He was, usually, a very patient person. He was known - aside from his curls, green eyes and dimples - for being "the one with the nerves", but right now, he didn't feel like that, at all. Actually, in all honesty, Harry was never too patient when it came to his boyfriend, Louis Tomlinson.

Harry and Louis were quite the opposites. Where Harry wanted to plan everything in his future, Louis was more spontainious and took every day as a new adventure. Where Harry loved to sing and only went to the gym once a week, Louis was addicted to sports - especially football - and only listened to music when it was made by Harry.

They had a great relationship, though. The other one always knew what to do when the other one didn't.

It was half past six in the evening and Harry waited - not so patiently - for Louis to return from Birmingham, where Louis' football team had had their last game. It was shown on television, and Harry had watched the whole game and cheered to Louis when he had made a goal. What Harry never told anyone, was the fact that he only watched the games where Louis played, because Louis just happened to look so utterly cute in his football jersey, running across the field. But that was a secret.

Not soon enough, to make Harry pleased, the sound of a train whistling filled people's ears standing at platform numper four. A red, polished train came into Harry's view, who tried to see in which cabbin Louis was. Although the windows weren't to clean and they passed by too quickly.
The train stopped, and soon all the doors flew open and hundreads of people started to ravel out to the platform. There were five doors in the train and it was almost inpossible to find Louis, not to mention even search for him with the people running around and preventing you from seeing anything but a bunch of sweaty backs of tired travellers.
So harry just stood there and tried to spot at least one guy in football clothes.

"...and the the guy was like 'what the actual fuck?' and I just shrugged but seriously, guys, you should've seen his face!"

Harry knew that voice. It belonged to Graig, one of Louis' football "mates", he wasn't so fond of. Graig was the capitain of the team, and of course, very good at football, but Louis always told he was just a stuck-up jerk who thought way too much of himself.

"Hey! Sorry!" Harry tried to catch Graig's attention with his hands waving above his head. "Oi! Graig!"
That made one of Graig's friends - Harry couldn't name him - to punch Graig's side. Harry could hear him whisper to Graig:
"Mate, d'you know that curly guy?"
Graig looked quickly at Harry. "I think it's Tomlinson't friend. Weird as hell. Don't go near him, I bet he's as straightas his hair."
Graig's friend bursted out a laugh.

Yes. Louis was definitely right about Graig's stupidity.

Harry suddenly didn't feel like asking Graig for help anymore, so he just lifted himself up on his toes and waited for the crowd to dissapear.
Harry soon started to get desperate. What if Louis had missed the train? Wouldn't be the first time.

About five, long, torturing minutes after, when even the littlest spark of hope was about to leave Harry's body, there were suddenly a finger knocking his back.

Harry thought twice before turning around. The platform was full of people, after all, and maybe someone had just accidentally bumped on him.

But when he finally turned around, his world may just lit up.

Louis had changed a bit in the week they had been apart. he was more tan, but Harry didn't mind. Harry's own skin was always so pale that only snowmen were whiter. It was good that Louis got tan for them both. Secondly, Louis hair was styled up in a high quiff that was practically defying gravity. harry loved Louis' fringe, but this hairstyle fitted him just as well and made Harry feel weak on the knees.
But Louis had the same twinkle in his bright blue eyes as usual, and right now, Harry just felt so relieved to be with him again.

"You looked cute when you tried to find me", Louis said in his melodic voice.
The sudden realization hit Harry. "You were watching me the whole time?"
Louis smirked mischievously. "If you want to put it that way... yes."
Harry blushed. He must've lokked like an idiot. "Why, Louis, why?" he whined.
"I was standing right behind you! You should've turned around!"

A few seconds they awkwardly looked at each other. Louis was the first one to broke the silence. "Yeah, yeah, I'm a prick, I know. Now c'mere and kiss me, you fool."

Harry jumped on Louis neck, or more kind of buried Louis under him because of his height. Harry was very proud of the fact that even though Louis was older than him, he had the physical dominance. He then placed one, two, three - six short kisses on Louis mouth and hugged him again like it was the last time. "Yes! You're such an idiot! I got so worried about you! Ahh, I love you so much..."

After a short silence they both bursted out in a large fit of giggles at how peculiar that had sounded.
When the laugh settled down, they seperated and Harry sighed - mostly because of happiness.

"I watched your match", he smiled down at his boyfriend.
Louis gasped. "Oh no, you didn't!" (Harry confirmed that yes, he had watched the game, by nodding his head) "Really, we sucked! In all seriousness, Graig praised our central defenders more that anything before the game, but after all they were our only stumbling block... Seriously, the guy doesn't know anything about football..."
Harry frowned in confusion. "But you won."
Louis couldn't help but smiled at that. Before he could say that football isn't that simple, Harry hurried to say: "And you made a goal. Isn't that enough to prove you were good?"
Louis sighed. "Nah. It's my jod after all. I wouldn't be doing it if I wasn't good at it, wouldn't I?"

Louis could be childish, cheesy or just naturally cute to make Harry fall in love with him even more every day, but Harry also loved this cocky, football player's attitude of his. Louis was extremely adorable when he was so concious about himself.

A while they just stared at each other in their own little bubble, while the platform number four started to empty of people. Blue eyes meeting green, green eyes meeting blue.

This time Harry broke the comfortable silence with an admiring whisper.
"You're so beautiful, Louis."
Louis cheeks flushed in a beautiful shade of scarlet red, and Harry loved being able to have this effect on Louis, when it was usually he blushing around like a bloody schoolgirl.
"Oh, i'm nothing compared to you, Hazza-bear", Louis shot back, smiling fondly at the other boy. Harry quickly hid his blushing with twisting a fake expression of disgust on his face. "Gross, Louis. Way too cheesy." However, the fact that Harry was now as red as a tomato, gave him up. And then, Louis let out an "aww..." which made Harry even more embarrassed.

Suddenly louis seemed to remember something.
"Oh! I nearly forgot! there was a piano at the place we stayed, and I just - remembered that I used to play as a kid. So I just tried playing something and I realised it wasn't so hard! I actually enjoyed it. And I just thought that... maybe if our team wins this season, we could buy a piano to our house with the prize money. If you don't mind, of course", Louis quickly added.
He seemed to be very excited about this. Harry smiled.
"Or course I don't mind. That wonderful, Louis. At least I'll know someone who can play piano at my wedding."

And then a blush was creeping up Louis' neck again. "Oh. Yeah", he said quietly and looked at the ground to kick some stub. "Although... I wish I won't have so much time doing it. Y'know, too busy throwing cake all over your face and stuff..." Louis chuckled nervously.

And it took Harry way too long to realise what Louis had ment.

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