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(Jacob's Point of view)

Jacob lightly pushed on his door and it swung open easily. Other than the loose hinges from being forcibly entered so often, everything looked typical of a seventeen year old's bedroom.

Posters of rock stars and models posing crowded the damp walls, faded gray sheets sat in a mess on an unmade bed and unwashed clothes were strewn all over the floor. Open school books littered the desk by the window where Jacob's laptop sat and his carefully picked out outfit for the next day was neatly folded on the seat of his frequently used computer chair.

The tired boy sighed and threw his small satchel onto the bed. He didn't bother to remove his boots, he knew that his father wouldn't care if the wooden floors of their already filthy house got dirtied with mud. It was almost nine in the evening but he was just getting back from a doctor's appointment all the way in south central. He hadn't been feeling too well over the past week, so thankfully his father hadn't berated him for slacking on his chores.

Normally he would be scolded and reminded that it was his responsibility to clean the house but Kevin didn't want his only son to overwork himself. He always went easy on Jacob when he was under the weather. Not being home often enough to do the job himself meant that their small semi-detached home was a trip.

Over the past seven months, the teenager had gotten used to returning to an empty house. It was rare that Kevin was done with his work before at least midnight, he was always finalising some business deal that was none of his son's business to know. As for his mother, Jacob hadn't seen her in years.

On his ninth birthday, when they had been living in Mexico, his parents had finally split. His mother had disappeared faster than Jacob could say, "Take me with you," and the adolescent hadn't heard a word from her since the divorce papers were signed. If it had not been for an article in a newspaper that he saw, Jacob would not have even known that she had left them to marry a famous musician- the man who his father told him that she had been having an affair with for the ten months before she left them. The break in what used to be his family was so devastatingly clear, she hadn't even bothered to send her son a wedding notice. He took the hint. He was not a welcoming addition to her new family.

His family had been forced to move home every few years during his childhood because of Kevin's work and so growing up, he never had any real friends. His mother had left him for a better life with a man who had money, and each of the two times his father had been remarried they had broken down into divorce, his "new mothers" had never taken a look back at him after they had walked out the door. They didn't care. No one ever came back for him once they had gone. Being left behind was something that Jacob had gotten used to.

I hope you enjoyed 😍😘💚

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