A New Beginning

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Chirp Chirp Blonde curls fell to the ground changing who she was entirely. They had once made her who she was. All those people loved her for her luscious long blond curls. They'd say that she was so fortunate she had such pale blonde hair. Now it meant nothing to her.

She didn't wish to look like Rapunzel anymore. She wished to look like the strongest woman. Not just a fairytale her pixie would tell her of. She wanted to be a bold young woman now.

The maid looked at the fallen locks with gloom. Nobody could've believed Marian could ever be this way. It was horrifying for them. She was a rose and now she was clipped off.

That's what they thought but not what Marian thought. Marian knew it was over. That life had more to it than just having a breathtaking set of long locks. Even if someone wished they could have her delights they would never know what it actually meant for her. It was all a little girl's dream to have long hair and be the most gorgeous in all the kingdoms.

The last of her locks fell to the ground, leaving her exposed and frail.

Marian reached out to brush her hands through her short hair. They still felt the same soft as they always did. The pale blonde hair that had been cut down where surrounding her in a circle, making her look like an angel with her halo.

She stepped out of the circle. Being an angel had caused her enough damage.

Her parents had left, her whole family had left and all for her. Now she was the only one left to rule the shattered kingdom.

This kingdom had no boundaries. It was neither vast nor diminutive. The people from other kingdoms had often visited it, saying it was a miracle for such a place to exist. They were all welcome here, just as Marian was welcomed in their kingdoms.

Her maid silently walked up to her and took the gown off and dusting the pieces of hair left on Marians shoulders. When she was done, Marian nodded to her and the maid walked out of the room along with the maid who had cut her hair.

Marian changed into her new silks brought from Prince Rochere Holsten's kingdom. His mother had designed this especially for her.

Roim was the closest kingdom to her. The people of Roim had welcomed her whenever she went there with her parents. They had a lot of jewels in every corner of the kingdom. Even their hair had jewels in them.

Every kingdom had a specialty. Belfair's specialty was magic. Houndswell's was literature. Maorgewell's was animals. And Saggitorium, Marian's kingdom, welcomed all the fairies. Fairies, pixies, elves, dwarves, you name it they were there.

It was home for them all and they loved each other equally. The kings despite being humans were loved heartily by all the creatures.

The pixies in the oceans of Saggitorium always helped the ships in sailing and the dwarves contributed by mining. It was the best place for anyone.

Until the day, the people of Roim showed their true colors. They manipulated Saggitorium and now planned on taking over it. Marian could do nothing about it other than pray to the gods. She hoped they'd help Saggitorium in every course. So far everyone had lost hope in the gods. It seemed as if they themselves had turned their backs on Saggitorium.

Two years ago, King Becturous Holsten and his queen had come to Saggitorium with some jewel. They said they wanted to distribute it among the poor of Saggitorium as a celebration of their son, Prince Rochere's birthday. They distributed the gifts among all the poor folk. They celebrated the prince's birthday in the evening. All the while Marian had seen how strange her parents had acted. They didn't sit with the King and Queen of Roim. They only shared their greetings but otherwise they never even dared to say anything to them.

It was the brink of night when King Becturous had raised his glass to silence everyone. He peered at the people with delight. "I'm dearly sorry for what is about to happen. I hope you will do as my knights will command you to do." He clapped his hands and his chess players killed everyone for him. It was a slaughterhouse.

His knights knew the weaknesses of pixies. They burried iron swords into the fairies chests. The fairies weren't able to fight back. Though they had a vicious side to them but the fairies were nothing against iron. Some tried to fight back. Some fell helpless to the ground without fighting back. Some were too young and too poor to do anything. The dwarves used their axes but they were to short for the knights and their armour was one of the finest.

Her parents had died there in that hall. Their throats were sliced open pouring the blood onto the platform.

It was the worst form of treachery she had ever known. And now she had to suffer for it. They had left her out of all her ten siblings. It was Prince Rochere who had demanded to let her live. She never liked him but even as kids Rochere would always follow her like a puppy.

And now he was marrying her.

It was all over for her. She had no say in that matter so she let it happen. She let them take her life away and make her just a doll for the Rochere to be impressed by.

Prince Rochere had loved her hair a lot. He would always complement her on it and now that it was gone he would be very angry and that Marian knew. For that was Marian's aim. She wanted him to dislike her now. She didn't want him to love her because his love only destroyed her. It was a curse for her.

She wanted to free her kingdom- to free her beautiful fairy brothers and sisters. They were caged and harmed. They didn't deserve it.

Marian easily fitted into the dresses that had jewels in every inch of it. It looked beautiful on her despite her short hair. She reached out to the dresser. She opened the drawer and pulled out a blade.

Closing her eyes, she brought the blade down to her face. She pierced her cheek letting the blood pour out. It slid down as she cut her cheek enough to make a disturbing mark on her face.

She hoped she looked this bad for the Prince. She dried the blood on a piece of cotton. She had no plans yet for the kingdom but she didn't want to marry Prince Rochere no matter how handsome he was. Because he was handsome. He had striking green eyes. His hair was a dark shade of brown and his skin was a beautiful shade of olive. His chest was wide and welcoming. She could feel the tears thinking of how she would hurt him. She only wanted to hurt the King but to do so she had to hurt the prince too.

Marian cleaned her face and walked to the window to look down at the garden. The Prince was here. He was to rule this kingdom with her.

He was in his best attire. The jewels on his collar brightened his eyes somehow and made him the more attractive.

Marian touched the glass looking down at the celebration- at the fake smiles and curtsies.

Wherever she went from here, she would find every possible way to help her folk, she promised herself. She closed her eyes and let one lone tear fall.

It was a new beginning for her. However difficult it may be she would continue defending her kingdom. That was the only heritage she had. She couldn't let her home fall. She'll save it from every evil. 

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