Crash and Burn

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My newest story! I'm so excited with this as I'm hoping on entering this into the Watty Awards 2013! I truly hope you guys like this! Inspired by one of Wattpad's greatest (kirsty1000), this is dedicated to her and a very special person dear to my heart. 

I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do ! 

Oh and that's COLE at the side ! 




      Hatred was what led me to write the letter that felt brittle in my fingers. The moonlight was shining brightly against the piece of paper. Tear stains were gleaming as if shouting—See how pathetic you are?! See how weak?

      The official, golden seal of the White House was gleaming at the top right corner, making me feel like I was stuck behind the wheel of a horrible wreckage, unable to move because of the pain. The golden seal was winking at me, reminding me of how shitty my situation was.

       ‘From the office of Colton Marcus Thorne, First Son.’

      Another tear fell from my eye as I re-read through the contents.

       ‘Cole,’ it started,

      ‘By the time you wake, I will no longer be at your side. I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to be in your life in the first place. That night at the charity ball was a night full of surprises—one I was never ready for.

       I was not ready for your charm or your wit. Your passion for helping others. I thought you were like them. I thought you, your father—your family, I thought you were all monsters. But I was wrong. The monster is within me.

      My heart was never in the right place. It never was to do what I was meant to. My intentions were never pure. By the time you read this, you’ll understand all that I mean.

      I apologize for what you’ll wake up to. The truth behind everything will probably have spread in the media by the time you wake up. I know your father will do everything to conceal my treachery, to protect you as best he could. You’re very lucky to have him.

      Again, I wish to apologize once more…but also to thank you. Thank you for showing me that there is still humanity within me.

     Yours, Callista Watson.’

    Biting my lip, I stared towards the large, king sized bed, facing the naked back of a boy snoring lightly. The boy I was so terrifyingly in love with.

     I’m sorry, Cole. I’m so, so sorry. 

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