The Prince's Challenge 3

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I know it's short but it's better than nothing :) Enjoy !!


Elise's P.O.V

I limped home quickly as I noticed my knee was bleeding, dang it. I cursed that stupid stone as I slammed the door open.

"Jessica Penny Ewing's. How dare you let me leave with a stranger"I yelled into the house. I heard Brandon's laughter coming from Jessica's bedroom. I limped upstairs, opening Jessica's door where she had Brandon sitting on her lap.

"You can't hurt me with a child on my lap"She protested. I glared at her as Brandon looked at my knee weirdly.

"You have blood coming from your knee" Brandon stated. I sighed.

"Great observation"I muttered sarcastically. Jessica gave me a stern look and shooed Brandon out the room. I stared at my 22 year old sister who untied her hair.

"So what happened?"She asked, pointing to my knee. I sighed and fell onto her bed.

"Well you let me go with that self-centered Prince and then I said something and stormed off, only to trip over a stone"Jess let out a giggle, making me glare at her " Then I overhead him and George talking about a challenge over me and this is your fault"I exclaimed, she rolled her eyes and lifted my head onto her lap and smoothed my hair like mum used to do when she was alive.

"It isn't my fault, I thought you secretly liked him"I snorted and crossed my arms.

"Really Jess? Really?"I asked with a doubtful look. She smiled shyly at me.

"So what are you going to do?"She asked, I smirked at her slightly as my eyes concentrated on the ceiling.

"That, Madame, Is classified"She raised an eyebrow at me as I slowly sat up.

"Whatever you do, please don't embarrass yourself"She begged, I smiled innocently at her.

"I'm not one for trouble Jess"I said in mock innocence, she rolled her eyes and left me in her room, coming back in with a wet cloth.

"Roll them up"She ordered, I nodded and rolled my jean's up. She began cleaning my knee and laughed.

"It's just a scratch, your not going to die"She laughed, I huffed and slapped her hand away.

"I'm going to get ready"I smiled as she frowned.

"Ready for what?"She asked, her eyes trained on me as I left her room with a smile.

"My awesome plan"I laughed.


"BRANDON!"I yelled as I found my stash of Disney stuff chucked around my room, I directed my glare onto my little brother who was staring at my poster of the Disney Princesses.

"What?"He asked, innocence clear in his eyes. I took a deep breath and collected most of the stuff up.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll get out of my room" I heard him trot out of my room and calling Jessica. I looked down at my stuffed toys and tiara's laying on my floor, Sighing I picked them up and threw them away into a dark corner of my wardrobe. Those were the day's I could do anything and be a princess, how wrong was I?

I laughed to myself as I closed the wardrobe door, hearing a knock on my window. I sighed, already knowing who it was. I turned slowly to see Princey smiling at me. I cringed as I slowly walked to the window, opening it a little bit.

"What do you want rich boy?"I asked, raising an eyebrow, He sent me a "Dazzling" smile and held me a rose while balencing on the ladder.

"A rose for the most beautiful woman in the world"He said, trying to woo me. I rolled my eye's and took the white rose.

"Nice try Princey, what do you want?"I asked again, setting the rose on my desk. He sighed.

"Call me Phillip, Elise, I was wondering if you would join me on a stroll"He asked, his eyes twinkling in excitement, I pretended to think for a moment before sending him a smile.

"No thanks Princey, I have more important things to do"I finished, slamming the window closed, I heard him yell and then a thud. My eyes widened as I saw him lying on the ground, groaning in pain.

"RICH BOY DOWN!" I yelled, I opened my window again and leaned out of it slightly.

"You okay Princey?"I asked, He sent me a weak smile.

"I'm just perfect"I smiled.

"Alright then, get off my lawn before I call the cops"I said sweetly, once again slamming my window shut.

Prince Phillip's P.O.V

I groaned as she slammed the window closed, I cursed under my breath and slowly crawled out of her garden.

"This is going to be harder than I thought"I muttered as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"PRINCE PHILLIP"I heard a girl scream, I groaned, why couldn't Elise be like that? I plastered on a smile and turned to the screaming girl, it was the girl who was arguing with Elise earlier today.

"How can I help you?"I asked as I noticed my bodyguard a couple of steps away. She smiled widely at me as her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders.

"Elise would want you If I had you"She smirked at me as I raised an eyebrow.

"Why is that?"I asked.

Elise's P.O.V

"Because she is extremely jealous of me and would want anything I want, so If I had you.."Penelope trailed, I scoffed slightly as I crossed my arms.

"She would want me"He mumbled. I did come out here to see if he was okay, but now? Oh Princey, Your in for it now.

"Oh Princey"I yelled out, his head turned to me, his expression was a deer caught in the middle of the road. "If you really want me, you better step up your game"I winked and turned to give Penelope an amused smile.

"You really think I'm Jealous of you?Jeez Penelope, get your facts right"I walked back inside of my house as Jessica sent me a disappointed look.

"Don't stoop to thier level"She scolded, I smiled sweetly.

"I'm going to my level"I told her, she sighed as Brandon ran around me with an action figure in his hand.

"Jessie, Jessie! Take me to Alex's!"Brandon yelled, I rolled my eyes, Alex is Brandon's best friend and soon-to-be Girlfriend. I smirked at Jess who was reading my thoughts and sent me a disapproving look.

"Do not match them up. Their six!"She scolded again, I rolled my eyes and ruffled up Brandon's hair.

"Have fun little guy, but not too much fun"I winked at him and skipped up the steps, putting my plan in action...


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 21, 2011 ⏰

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