Chapter one

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My story starts here, I'm sitting on top of a skyscraper and on the very edge of the railing. I know, it's a bad idea. Considering that I can be quite the klutz and falling off is something that I would do. Oh wait! I forgot to introduce myself,  that was very rude of me. My name is Kyle, and I'm just your ordinary high school kid. I'm about to be a sophomore, I'm that kid that sits in the back of class. The one that everyone is sure will fail but somehow manages to get perfect grades on every test? Yeah I'm that annoying kid.

I'm not much for descriptions, I'm a person, what more do you need to know? I'll leave my dashing looks to your imagination, though that probably wouldn't even compare to how gorgeous I am (told from Kyle's point of view).

I'm guessing that you want to know why I'm sitting on the edge of death, considering you're still reading. And no, I'm not suicidal...yet. I'm kidding, I think. But no really, the real reason I'm sitting on the skyscraper is because my dad is making me do my "homework".

I know what you're thinking "What type of homework involves sitting on a skyscraper?" Easy, the bad type of homework. My father is making me scout the city so I can make a plan on how to conquer it within the next year flat. I know, I know. WHAT TYPE OF FATHER MAKES THEIR CHILD DO WHAT????

To be fair, in my situation this is pretty normal.Or at least when you're the son of a super villain, yes my dad is a super villain, you heard me right. Now before you go saying how my dad is a horrendous person for being a villain, I can assure you he is a very good being a bad person anyway. Let me rephrase that, he is the best super villain that there could be.

His story was featured on "Villains Inspire" magazine. It talked about how he has taken over and conquered the most cities than any other super villain in the world. Mind you, that isn't such an easy feat. Not when the superheroes are trying to kill you as if you're a bad person. I mean besides being a super villain, what's so bad about it?

Well I'll tell you one thing, it is a bad thing being the #1 super villain's son, or at least it sucks. Just try to imagine, I bet you can't. I have to live up to his expectations but not only that, I have to surpass him! I have to inspire the next generation of super villain wannabes! And if that wasn't enough pressure, I have to do it with the whole super villain community watching my every move, almost as if I'm already a super villain!

Technically I'm not a super villain, yet. In order to be considered a full out super villain you must conquer a city first. Before that you're just considered a radical.

My dad loves to tell me his story when he became a supervillain . He tells me of the time he took over his first city, he was seventeen. The youngest any person has ever become a super villain. 'Good times" he says "good times". He tells me that if he had a super villain father like I do, he probably could have taken over his first city when he was only fifteen. So he tells me not to screw up this grand opportunity.

So in recap, my father wants me to become the youngest super villain ever, surpassing even him. Meaning that he wants me to do it before my sixteenth birthday. Which is in like nine months. I have to take over this city before the end of next year's summer and school starts tomorrow, great. I have to plan an entire city conquest by myself and keep up my good grades.

I looked down at the city, it was so different than the one I used to live at.I had recently arrived at this city about a week ago and my father thinks it's about time to start getting my name thrown around. My father said the first step to conquering a city would be to get my name thrown around. How? Well my father said (this were his exact words) "I don't know, go rob a bank or something". Don't you just love it when your dad tells you to go rob a bank?

I stand up from the sitting position I was in and look down to the city lights. A beautiful scenery, the endless life's of people, the never ending stories of every single one of them. It was beautiful, and with that I jumped off the skyscraper, okay maybe I am a little suicidal. Or I would be if I didn't have any super powers.

With that I fell like a rock, the cold air attacking me, and as I got closer to the streets below, I began to decelerate my fall until I came to a complete standstill. I began to zoom around until I found the perfect bank. No, I don't mean it was perfect as in it was made of gold and super valuable. I mean it was perfect because it was the least guarded bank in the city and had the least number of superheroes hanging around, because guess what? My dad wants me to conquer a city that is full of supers! To be exact this city is the fifth most populated city on earth with supers! My homework just keeps on getting easier and easier.

I quickly activate my super villain suit, sorry no. I mean my "super radical" suit since I'm not a super villain yet.

You know what's great about being a super villains son?

1. You can have whatever you want, money isn't an issue when you can just rob a bank
2. You can get the best and most awesome tech-thingies.

In this case number two applies, I have my suit on my wrist, literally. It is activated by my smart watch. It's innovative in ways you can't imagine, but we'll get into detail on that later. I activated my suit and the watch cloaked me in less than a second. How? Something to do about nano bots covering my entire body. Not really sure, but all I know is that it makes me a bad ass suit. You know what's awesome about the suit? It makes me bullet proof, doesn't stop the pain but at least I know I won't die.

Now with my suit on. I start flying toward the bank. First night being a wild radical in the city, how bad could this be? All I had to do was rob a guarded bank, seriously how bad could this go? Answer: it can go very wrong.

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