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EVERY NIGHT I stare out at the sunset wishing my way back home. But the shooting stars do not help my cause, because every morning I wake up and I am still on this god forsaken rock of a place.

I miss lush greenery and waterfalls and sunlight through the trees lighting up spots on the riverbed. Alderaan is so beautiful and my heart aches every day my feet are not on its surface.

Beside my bed stands a small potted plant with deep green leaves that have an underside of bright pink and flowers of creamy white. The last day it bloomed was two days after I crashed landed on his planet - and it has done nothing but wither since. Still - it is the only thing I have left to remind me of my home world. I have no family left, only this tiny piece of my planet.

Tatooine is a lonesome place to live. Townships are nothing but breeding grounds for smugglers and criminals, and farmers are sparcely thrown into the mix. Mos Eisley is a particularly dangerous place to live, especially when you're a young woman like myself working in a Cantina full of flith and scoundrels from all across the galaxy.

As I wake up on what would be average day on this sand heap, the first thing I see, as usual, is the small withering plant glistening in the harsh Tatooine sunlight, as his the entire one room buliding I live in. The white walls give off a sickly white glow, the entire room the same bright white shade. I look like a foreign object inside my house, my tanned skin in stark contrast to the horrid brightness. I dress myself in the ridiculous outfit my boss makes me wear to attract customers to buy more drinks so I will continue coming to their table and they can eyeball me some more. The black bathing suit style two piece comes first and over that I put on a black flowing dress, albeit it's see through.

I sigh and wash my face. Despite the glaring sunlight, I am always tired. I never get a good night sleep, not since fleeing the small rebel base my parents had control of on my home planet. Not since I saw many of the young rebels like myself get slaughtered by stormtroopers. Not since Darth Vader killed my parents as I ran far away and crashed on this planet.

I leave my one room home, a large trench coat over my revealing outfit, and make my way down the backstreets to the Cantina. I kept my head down and my eyes open for trouble.

The Cantina was not far from my house, thankfully. I scurried inside and whipped off my coat throwing it under the bar, earning wolf whistles from multiple creatures across the bar. I groaned and my boss gave me a look, as if I shouldn't be complaining about the unwanted attention. I sighed and grabbed a tray full of drinks, and my boss pointed out the table. A group of horrible scum mumbled things about me in alien languages as I pass out their drinks. One of them went to touch me but I smacked his hand with the now empty tray and he hollered. The other creatures looked angry and annoyed but I walked away before I started any more trouble. This is how most of my altercations with the so called customers went.

For two hours in the dark and dingy bar I served some of the worst people in the galaxy. My feet ached already despite my shift not even being half over. I practically had to dance around in order to earn tips, and I hit many a creature trying to grab a fistful of my dress and pull me closer. As I placed the drinks down on another table, a familiar voice of criminal cuts through the sound of the band playing.

"Hello there, Star Eyes."

I turn around to see the Rodian creature hiding in the darkness, his giant black hole eyes glimmering in the dim light. I huff, and Greedo makes a sound that I assume is a laugh. Greedo was the epitome of the scoundrels that walked inside this bar. He only ever came in here to kill people and claim the bounty on their heads. Lovely guy.

I know recently he's been working with Jabba, hence why he's been hanging around the bar so often. I don't like him, but he's slightly more bareable than the rest of the dirt that walks inside.

"Hello Greedo, on the job I assume?"

Greedo nods, and taps my chin. Greedo was always flirting, calling me Star Eyes and what not. But he's never tried to grab me like the other creatures. He has some respect for women, albeit not much.

"Of course, I'm here to rid the place of scum. Make life better for you, my Star Eyes," A strange smirk pulls on his lips. He leans on the wall again, but as I leave for the bar he follows me.

"That's real kind of you Greedo," I appease him. "Do you want a drink?"

"A Coursant Sunrise, my love," Greedo leans in close but I back away and yell the order at one of the barmen. He quickly mixes it and slides it down to me. I take a sip and give it to Greedo, who quite amused by my actions, and he hands me the credits. Flirty Greedo always tips big.

Greedo nods and leaves, a group of humanoids calling to him in a language I don't understand. I turn on my heel and go to walk to another table, but I hear something that catches my attention.

"We need a passage to Alderaan,"

I stop in my tracks. The handsome man next to the Wookiee looks over to me, a confused look on his face. I know I should just go back to work, but this could finally be my chance to escape from Tatooine. "You alright there, sweetheart?"

I struggle to form words. Although I can sense the slight flirty tone, he sounds much more genuine than Greedo was.

"Did someone say Alderaan?"

The two people sitting before the handsome man and the Wookiee turn around to look at me now. An old man with his robe hood over his head and a boy, probably the same age as me or younger. My stomach flips a little when he looks at me. He's cute.

"Nobody spoke of Alderaan, go back to work," the old man waves his hand at me. I'm taken aback, how rude. The handsome man shakes his head and the boy looks a little shocked at my reaction.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are telling me what do to?" I say with my hands on my hips, my voice raised but not enough to attract any attention. Although I know Greedo is watching.

The old man smiles faintly instead of apologizing. The blonde boy looks to him before standing up, and I'm slightly taller than him due to the height of the heels on these shoes.

"Sorry about that, he's just..." He searches for words, I can tell he's lying. "He's just a bit old fashioned, I guess,"

I sigh, flipping the tray under my arm. "That's okay, I'm used to it,"

The boy frowns, his face concerned. I go to turn around and leave but the Wookiee cries out, making me turn back around.

"Hey you! Waitress!" The man calls out too. I walk back over, the blonde boy now seated. "Why do you want to know about Alderaan?"

"I want to get back there," I begin, the man looking somewhere between bored and confused. "I've been stuck here for years and I've been trying to get back ever since,"

"Ben, surely we can let her come with us," The blonde tries to reason with the old man. They discuss in whispers so I can't hear. The man looks to the Wookiee who growls a response, and then he eyes me off. "How much could you pay us?"

"Everything I've got. I mean everything, all the money I've got, my house, all of it," I say with such speed I hope he actually heard it all.

He laughs. "That won't be necessary, how about the just the money? Forget the house? Say about eight thousand?"

"That is everything I've got," I groan. Pay is poor for this horrible job.

He shrugs. "That'll be perfect, now if these to won't mind an extra passenger?"

He turns to the two in front of me. The boy looks at the old man with hope in his eyes, and the old man turns to me.

"I sense you will be a good friend to us. I see no harm in you coming along with us,"

I have to restrain myself from hugging someone and screaming. I am going home. Finally I will be home.

When u finally finish lmao.

Greedo's speech is in italics because it's in a different language btw.

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