Chapter 1: The Announcement

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I stood huddled amongst the crowd, trying to find warmth. Even in my white fur-lined jacket and cozy pink dress, I was shivering. I glanced down at my baby sister, and pulled the pastel pink baby blanket tighter around her sleeping form.
We had just become orphans in a matter of seconds. We had avoided the massacre of children by hiding among the adults. Although being only fifteen, I already looked like an adult. They didn't take the baby because I hid her in my jacket, also protecting her from any cold gusts of wind.
When Katniss Everdeen shot that arrow into President Coin's heart, I gasped, relieved and frightened, as I watched chaos unfold around me.
Next thing I knew, here I am, standing in a puffy pink dress, holding my sister, Halsie, in my arms. I was scared, and I had good reason to be. There were many guns aimed into the crowd, ready to shoot us in an instant. The gunners wore looks of indifference, as if innocent children had not just been slaughtered only hours ago, be it by them, or that horrid President Snow.
"... And to balance the need for revenge, we are holding a symbolic Hunger Games, only this time, the Capitol's children will be reaped." When President Palor announced these life changing words, I gasped, now afraid for my own life. I couldn't go into the games, I had to protect and care for Halsie. She couldn't live on her own, especially if they put her in one of those wretched orphanages.
As I was escorted back to my temporary room, seeing as my home was destroyed in the war, I thought about how we were going to survive. I was scared, not only for our safety, but also for our future.

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