The First Day

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Today was the day, the first day of my senior year. The day Lissa and I have been waiting for our entire lives. Lissa and I have been planning this year for as long as I can remember. We had a checklist, sort of a bucket list for it. The first thing on the checklist we’ve already completed, “Become a Cheerleader.” We auditioned about a week ago and the news just got back to us. Lissa and I were watching our favorite show when we got the phone call. Lissa squealed in delight, her green eyes had an extra sparkle in them. Now a week later, I was in the car on my way to Crystal High School.

The only bad thing about it was that my boyfriend, Aaron, had graduated last year. He had a full scholorship to UCLA for football, and even though he wanted to go somewhere in Arizona, he couldnt pass that offer up.

As I stepped out of the car, I couldn’t believe my eyes. The school was beautiful; it was very modern and was half made of glass. It was huge though, it looked like a college campus. Which was good considering how many kids went here, about twenty-five hundred. As I looked around I started getting butterflies in my stomach, I was nervous. I started twirling a piece of my newly straightened, dark red hair, around my fingers as I tried to find my way to the main office.

I stepped into the building, clinging my new juicy bag tightly to my waist. There are so many people!  I thought to myself.  I could hear the clicking of high heels moving anxiously around the floor, I could smell the wanna-be guys wearing too much Axe. Finally I navigated my-self to the main office; I slowly stepped up to the counter to get my locker and the room numbers sheet.

“Hello,” said a perky lady, with way to much purple eye shadow on.

“Hi,” I quietly said.

She gave me a weird look then asked for my name.

“Brielle Stone,” I spoke, tapping my fingers on the metallic counter.

“Hmm, oh here you are! Brielle Emma Stone, 12th grade, locker number: 214,” She said through her red lips, while eagerly typing on her dinosaur of a computer.  She then handed me a sheet of paper with “everything I needed to know.” I quickly thanked her and headed off to my locker. 

I made it through most of the day unharmed; I had a lot of classes with Lissa, so that was good. But it was lunch that the day really started to settle in. As soon as I walked into the cafeteria I was overthrown with the noise, with the smell, and with the people; practically the whole school was in here. The cliques had already started forming, there were the jocks, the nerds, the band geeks, the popular girls. I quickly found my way over to the table that Lissa was sitting at.

“Brielle!” Lissa almost shouted, as she saw me sit down.

“Lissa!” I sarcastically said back.

She just laughed it off and continued speaking, “So how’s your first day going?”

“Pretty good, and yours?”

“Well I wouldn’t say amazing, but I’ve already got asked out this Friday night…” Lissa said, her green eyes widened to see my reaction.  I gave her a smile, and then we got into the details of this boy. 

As I was walking over to the trash can, a voice came on over the speaker. The whole cafeteria got quiet.

Students, I hope you’re enjoying your first day. But we have an emergency. This is not a drill, I repeat NOT A DRILL. Please find the nearest classroom and follow your teacher’s instructions. They will be giving you updates on the matter. Thank you.

The speaker turned off, everyone in the cafeteria was dead silent. Nobody moved. Great, the first  day of my senior year and THIS happens, was the only thing going through my mind. I’m pretty sure out of all the students; I was the first to move. I swiftly walked over to the lunch table at which me and Lissa sat, grabbed my bag and Lissa, and walked out of the cafeteria. Lissa was always a nervous person; she got scared out of the littlest things. I could tell she was freaking out inside, and that’s why I held tightly onto her wrist; guiding her to a room. I could hear everyone else in the cafeteria shuffling around as we left.

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