I Need You 23

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Chapter 23

I watch Niall sleeping peacefully in his recliner. He was as adorable as a baby bunny. We were on his jet on our way to Maura's place. Niall had insisted we use his jet because it was his treat, since I was an amazing girlfriend. If I didn't know he wasn't telling me something I might of thought he was being sweet. I had a nagging voice in the back of my head telling me to find out what he was keeping from me right away. It might ruin the relationship we had built finally. I really loved him, and I don't know if I could bare to lose him again.. I relax into my chair, and drift into a restless sleep. Please, help us through this, Lord.


"Niall, shut it off!" I groan tiredly. His stupid phone was ringing. "Babe, I have to answer it." He groans. I could tell he was just as unhappy as me about getting woke up. I open my eyes to see Niall getting up. He grabs his phone, and walks back over to me. He sits down in my lap, "You are heavy!" I whine. Niall places his left palm over my face, "Hello?" Niall says. I bite his palm, and he lets out an unmanly yelp. I stifle a giggle."I am fine, Mum. Maddy just bit my hand." Niall says turning to glare at me. "What do you mean you are on your way to London?" Niall says confused. Say whaaa? I kiss his palm, and smile sweetly up at him. He rolls his eyes at me before smiling. "We are on our way to see you in Mullingar.. I can just tell the pilot to turn around the jet." Niall says leaning back against me. "Love you, too. Bye." He says hanging up. Niall runs his hand through his brown hair, and sighs. I kiss the back of his hand, "Horan, it will be fine." I say smiling at him. He smiles back before getting up. I watch him walk into the jet's cockpit to talk to the pilot. Niall walks out looking angry. He goes, and plops down on the edge of his chair. I get up, and walk over to him. I walk inbetween his legs, and wrap my hands around the back of his neck. I lay my head on his chest, "We can't turn around. All transportation to and from London is being shut down because of a bad snowstorm there." Niall sighs. "Fuck. Call Mama Horan, and let her know." I say in frustration. I hear Niall call his mom, "Mum, we can't make it back because of the snowstorm." He says in a monotone. I hear Maura start to cry on the phone. "Don't cry, Mum. We can Skype tonight and on Christmas Day." Niall says his voice hoarse. This was really getting to him.. "I love you, too. Bye, mum." He says hanging up the phone. "It will be okay, Ni." I say climbing in his lap. "Maddy, I need to tell you something. Before I do promise me you won't get mad, and you won't dump me to save me." He says seriously. I glance up at him, "I promise. What is it, Ni?" I say confused. "Management told me to break up with you, and date a model named Zoe. They said the fans would want that." Niall says gauging my reaction. I climb off his lap, and turn my back to him. I run my hand through my bangs, why us? Why not someone else...? They wanted us broken up..? I try to fight back tears. I feel strong arms wrap around my waist, and I get pulled against a solid chest. "Maddy, please don't be upset. I love you. I need you..Please, don't break up with me." Niall says the last part softly. I turn to face him, and smile sadly. "Ni, what if they fire you?" I say as a tear slides down my face. "I don't care. The boys know, and they will quit the band if they make us break up. You promised you wouldn't dump me.." Niall says looking in my eyes. "Niall, you guys can't risk your careers for me.." I say shaking my head no. Niall grabs my cheeks, and plants a soft delicate passionate kiss on my lips. "Yes, if they back out.. I won't. You saved me from myself, and I love you. I want to marry you in the future. My future is with you. No one else, especially not a model. Even though you are pretty enough to be one." Niall says winking at me as he says the last part. I can't help, but smile at his confessions. "I promised I wouldn't dump you, so you are mine forever." I say kissing his lips. I am pretty sure the old Niall I knew when I was little was one hundred percent back!

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