Last Resort [ch10]

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The banner on the side is made by dinoslifeforme, so thank you heaps! :D Its meant to say Last Resort, but Im sure you could all figure that out ;)

The weeks passed by quickly and before I knew it, the last bell was ringing on my very last day.

Only one thought flashed through my mind as the shrill ringing pierced through the chaos of giggling girls and chattering boys in my classroom. Before anybody could say anything, I was up and out of my chair. Somebody called out my name behind me, but I sped up into a brisk walk and hurried out the door and through the hallways. I roughly maneuvered my way through the crowds of people that suddenly burst through the doors like their lives depended on it, shoving a few heavy bodies out of my way. Most people stepped aside when they noticed who I was, but a few still needed a push.

I plastered a smirk onto my face as I walked. I could feel eyes burning into me from every single angle, but I refused to crack under the pressure. People parted for me and whispers spread through the corridor. I winked at a girl who nudged her friend's shoulder and pointed. She flinched, causing the people near her to chuckle. I hated being the centre of attention, but it was hard with this lot. People feared me, yet they still treated me like I was some sort of Goddess. Mostly people just liked my attitude.

If only they knew it was fake.

I had to navigate my way through ten or so different cliques who were just milling around, but eventually I made it to where I was heading. The smell of hundreds of teenage bodies finally aught up to me, making me wrinkle my nose in disgust. Hadn't they ever heard of cologne or perfume? I leaned againt a locker a new all too well and waited. A few people called out to me. I called back out to them, the smirk appearing on my face once again. It actually hurt to see that some people were careful as they said goodbye. Instead of turning my smirk into a sweet smile, I kept it etched onto my face. Only a few more hours and I could drop the act completely.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Lacey-Undies!" Chloe suddenly cried as she popped out of nowhere, making my heart skip a beat. I had about three seconds warning before she threw her thin arms around me. Her blonde curls cascaded down the front of her shoulders and flew into my open mouth. For such a petite looking girl she sure knew how to throw her weight around. I groaned as she squeezed me harder, waiting for me to respond. I wrapped my arms around her immedietly and she loosened her grip.

"Don't call me that, Barbie." I grumbled halfheartedly, spluttering to get rid of her hair. Lacey-Undies had been my nickname ever since we'd found out what they were back in second grade. It was an unfortunate incident, one in which involved the two of us accidently stumbling into her mother's room whilst she was getting changed. We hadn't really known what they were or what occasions they were good for, but the teachers had given us weird looks whenever we said it so the name kind of stuck. She hadn't called me it much this year, so I'd kind of been hoping she'd forgotten about it.

Apparently not.

A few people in the hallway stopped to stare as Chloe started to blabber on in her usual way, but I just smirked at them. They laughed straight away and started to walk off. Everybody knew what Chloe was like once she got started. They didn't want to stick around to listen. I could tell by the deep breathes that she kept having to take that she was only just getting started.

Before she could really get into it, I snickered and pushed her away. She grinned down at me and then waved at a few people over my shoulder. Something about her face seemed wrong. I stared at her for a few moments as she continued to look past me, trying to figure it out. I searched her eyes as she pulled faces at the girls, still somehow managing to talk at the same time.

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