New School Year; New Me

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I wake up to the sound of my little sister screaming at me to “Wake up you, idiot you're going to be late to school!” I jump up, pushing her out of my room and hurrying to the shower.

I get out and it's already 7:30, I put on my white shirt with my white scarf and pull on some black leggings and slip on my white bow flats and get my jewelry on. Finally, I put my hair up in a high pony tail and put my makeup on really fast.

As soon as I get done, I hear my mother yelling for me to hurry my ass up. I go running down stairs, I grab an apple and a water bottle. I run out the door into my mothers car. She drops me off and I walk into the school.

I look down at my classes and see I have Biology first, I make my way to my class room and sit down at the table in the middle of the room. I start eating my apple while I wait for class to start.

The bell rings and class begins, my teacher Mr. Emerick passes out a piece of paper that says "All About You." he tells us to fill it out as much as we can and to not leave anything out. He says, start writing.

1.) What's your name?
That's easy, Jessica Lee.

2.) How old are you?
I'm 17.

3.) When's your birthday?
February. 15th

4.) What's your favorite subject?
English and Science.

5.) What's your worst subject?
Math; I hate it with a passion..

6.) What do you want to be after highschool?
Um, I really don't know..

7.) What's your worst fear? (I know the answer but, I'm not going to write it on here..)

8.) Are you excited to learn new things?
Yes, I am. :)

I finish the piece of paper and go up to his desk and hand it to him, he looks at me and says thank you Jessica, you can go back to your seat now. I go back to my seat and start watching him look at my paper.

While watching him, his smile disappeared and he looked at me. I looked away really fast, being very embarrassed that he saw me watching him. Finally the bell rang to go to next period.

I got up and got all my stuff; right as I was about to walk out Mr. Emerick stopped me and asked me if we could talk for a little bit. I said yes of course, cause you can't say no to a teacher who just wants to talk.

I was really afraid about what we were going to talk about, I had a feeling he didn't like the answer to what I wanted to do after highschool.. But, I really don't know. What else could I have put besides the truth?

He grabs my piece of paper and he looks at me with a confused look.

"Jessica, you seem like a really smart young lady that loves science and that's amazing! I'm glad you do! But, I just have one question to ask you."

I nod my head for him to continue. "Why, didn't you answer what your fear was?" I look at him in disbelief.

“Why, did you put that on the piece of paper? Some people don't wanna share what their scared of." I said kinda angrily.

"I understand that but, sometimes in life we have to face our fears even when there right in front of you on a piece of paper Jessica."

"In this class we will discuss our biggest fears and we will try and help each other out so we won't be scared any more." I look at him and suddenly I understood what he was saying to me.

"I'm really sorry Mr. Emerick I didn't mean to be angry at you, I was just scared to put what my fear was. I can't wait to help everyone with there fears and they help me with mine!"

"It's fine Jessica, I'm really glad your excited and I'm also very happy you're in my class! You can go to your next period now before the bell rings!"

While, I'm walking to my next class it's at that moment I completely understood that my worst fear was about to come out.. To everyone.

Hey, Wattpad users! I hope y'all like what I have so far! This chapter was actually really easy and fast for me to write! (I'm not really that great at writing fast and thinking of good things to put in a book so bare with me if I don't update in awhile.) Please vote and comment! I love y'all so much!
~Shelby a.k.a SkinnyLove1616

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