I'm Gonna Feel That In The Morning, Or Now

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(A/N) hey guys, I know that it has been a while since I updated but I'm quite lazy :) I hope you guys like this chapter

Liam's POV


I was so involved in an intense conversation with Louis about proper etiquette for when being in the presence of girls who don't know you yet that I almost didn't see Kyle approach her. I turned around to see her pushed against the wall. What was Kyle doing!?!? My brain was frozen. I didn't know how to react. One of the boys shoved me forward to bring me back to reality. I heard Kyle start to tell at her.

"I dont care what your name is! I just want you to know that I am the head of this school! so you can just stay at the bottom of the food chain with your loser status! Got it?" he snarled in her ear.

He was squeezing her arms so tight I thought she was gonna break. I sprung into action. I walked over and punched him square in the face. Why did I think that would be enough to stop him? He punched me back harder than could have ever punched him. I fell to the ground. Then he sent a forceful kick to my stomach area. That's gonna hurt in the morning. I felt someone kneel down next to me.

"Liam, are you okay?" I heard Melissa ask.

"Yea, just stay away from Kyle." I said, still clutching my side. He must have kicked me really hard cause it hurts like hell. I was trying really hard not to cry. I've never been in this much pain.

"Are you sure that you're okay?" Melissa asked.

"I don't know. Do you think you could take me to the nurse."

"Yea, sure." She said reaching for my hand to help me up. I winced in pain from the quick motion.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." She apologized.

"No, it wasn't your fault." I reassured her.

Sadly the nurses office was one the other side of the school. She put her arm under my arms to help keep me standing. She basically dragged me a the way to the nurses office. I felt bad to be putting most of my weight on her, but I could barely stand. I'd have to apologize later. As we approached the nurses office she sat me down on a bench next to the door. She walked in and started taking to the nurse. I heard her explain what happened. Then the nurse came out with a wheel chair and helped me to sit in it. I felt so helpless and I couldn't understand why. I had been punched before and never had a reaction like this.

Te nurse wheeled me into her office and put me next to her desk. She asked me what happened and I explained to her about Kyle and what he did to Melissa.

"Okay, well, it seems that we should check the security cameras for confirmation that that's what really happened. If what you're saying is true, Kyle will most likely be suspended. So about the serious pain that you're going through, I'm gonna check your file and see if you're prone to any sort of elongated pain." She pulled open a file drawer labeled K-P. She located my file and opened it.

"So it seems that I have found what may be the root of the problem. It says here that you have problems with your kidney and when I checked the bruise on your stomach it's in the same spot as your kidney. I'm going to have to call the hospital and see if they'll give you a MRI anytime soon." At this point I turned to Melissa to ask if she'd come to the hospital with me.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm gonna need some support."

"Okay, I'll just text my mom and tell her I'll be home late." She pulled out her phone and did what I assumed was text her mom.

"Okay, the hospital says they have an appointment open in an hour. Since you don't have a car they will send an ambulance. Is this young lady coming with you?" She asked motioning towards Melissa.

"Yeah, she's gonna come for support."

"Okay, I'll write you guys an excuse that I'll send to your teachers." She said, pulling out some paper.

We waited a few minutes until we saw the ambulance. Melissa pushed the wheelchair to one of the ambulance workers and they put me on a lift that brought me up to the back of the vehicle. She climbed in behind me and let her hand rest on my shoulder. I looked up and smiled at her. She smiled back.

"Thanks for coming with me. I'm pretty nervous."

"Oh it's no problem. I'm always ready to help."

"Okay, we're here." As soon as they said that my palms started sweating. It was gonna be a long day.


(A/N) Don't be so nervous Liam, it will all be okay.

Written by: rebeccaloveable266




Enjoy ;)

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