Chapter One: Cinnamon Buns

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I'm not the kind of person who has friends, I have people I get along with and talk to but if I called them my friends they would probably turn on me. You see, no one likes me, other than the people who have to like me a.k.a family. My older brother avoids me so that I don't embarrass him or freak him out like I always do. I don't try to be awkward, it just comes naturally, I don't really think before I say, I say before I think.

I sat on the bus just thinking my usual awkward thoughts as I looked at the people sitting and talking to their friends. The little year sevens and eights talking about what they did on the weekend and what they plan on doing that week, the year nines gossiping and the all so fabulous year tens just casually talking about who they shagged and who they are going to shag. Personally I don't know why they call it shagging, I guess it's just one of those things that the popular and cool kids do. Which means naturally I don't call it shagging because I'm not popular nor cool.

I got off the bus and walked into school seeing some of my 'friends' sitting against the wall near the quad. I walked over and sat beside them.

"Hey Awk." Bobby and Louise say in unison. See, even my friends call me awkward.

"Hey. Can I ask you guys a question?" I asked.

"Awk, you just asked us a question by asking if you could ask us a question." Louise stated as if I was an idiot. "But yes you can ask another question."

"Okay, What does shagging feel like?" I asked openly. Bobby's V he had been drinking squirts out of his mouth in all directions as he starts coughing and choking.

"Seriously? You want to know what it feels like to shag?" Bobby coughs with a chuckle.

"Yes I do." I stated calmly, you see everyone finds these situations awkward, I just think of them as situations that will eventually happen so why not now?

"I don't think we should be the ones to tell you Awk. You should ask Rachel or Shag..." Louise mumbled.

"You guys are hopeless seriously." I sigh.

"Well when you ask stupid questions you will get stupid answers honestly." Bobby laughed.

"I've got to go to PE. See you guys at lunch." I stated as I stood up and walked away.

"See ya Awk." They said in unison again. I walked to the school pool and went into the change rooms where Rachel and all the other girls were getting ready. I walked into the toilets and changed into my one piece before walking back into the change rooms to see every girl in my class in an itsy bitsy bikini. I sighed as I grabbed my goggles and walked to the pool. The guys were already in the pool so we all climbed into a lane.

"Spread evenly into the lanes and start backstroke." The teacher stated. I went to the lane that was empty and stood there alone. "Rachel, Dylan and Andrew into lane four now."

"Why us sir?" Andrew complained.

"I said even numbers and we can't have her all by herself, it defeats the purpose." Mr DiLaurenta stated. They all moaned and complained before joining me in lane four. Andrew went first, then Shag/Dylan. Rachel and I waited for them to get further down the water before starting.

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