RolePlaying: Jacinda

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Jacinda Black

Age: 17

Personality: Quiet, easily angered, kind of a loner, but manage to become a friend and she will be caring and protective.  A fighter through and through.  Hard to get through, will need to be persistent to be her friend, unless you gain her respect quickly.

About: Most noticeable scar is on the right side of her face, from her right temple, down her cheek and stops at her jaw line.  Has scars all over her body, including a few bullet wounds.  Has some tattoos: an eagle with an American flag on her left shoulder blade, Music sheet lines with notes on her right collar bone, Tribal lines down half her right arm, over her shoulder and down her back by her side.  Always has 3 knives on her and 1 gun. 

Past: Lived on a rough side of town with her parents who were always drunk.  Joined a gang when she was 13 after they saved her from being raped and learned how to take care of herself.  Has been to jail 4 times: 2 for unregistered weapons and 2 for assault.

Why she is here:  Court order.

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