Chapter 1

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His smile. His eyes. His hair. The way he could make you feel better, even when you were at your worst. His angelic voice. There were so many things I loved about him and it was torturing me. I dried my tears for the tenth time, got up from the sofa and looked in the mirror. I was a wreck.

I never would have thought that I'd fall in love with my best friend. I never thought I'd cry over someone, yet here I was, breaking down again. The worst thing about it was, he didn't even know. I couldn't bring myself to tell him. I mean, how do you tell your best friend you're in love with them? You've probably already guessed the name of my best friend, so I may as well say it anyway. Freddie Mercury. The living definition of perfection.

I stepped into the shower and tried to regain my composure. It was the 19th of August 1976. Tonight, me, the guys and a few of our friends were going out to celebrate Deaky's 25th birthday, so I had to come. I couldn't let them down - I had to at least try and enjoy the night.

A few hours later, at 6pm, I was in a taxi on the way to some fancy restaurant. I had my fake smile perfected and I'd managed to calm myself down enough not to cry. I needed to tell Freddie somehow, but I just couldn't do it. I'd be crushed if he rejected me.

I felt tears welling in my eyes, so I distracted myself from Freddie by making small talk with the cabbie. It turned out he was a fan of Queen and I happened to be his favourite member of the band, so that was a bonus. We had the same interests in music (The Beatles, AC/DC,etc.) so I began to forget about the heartache. Mid-way through our argument over which Beatle was the best, the taxi stopped - it was time to do the best acting I'd ever done in my life.

I paid the fare, got out and walked towards the restaurant. It was some Italian place I barely knew the name of - Deaky had chosen it. I was about to walk in when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and who was standing there? Freddie. Great.

"Brian, darling, how nice to see you again!" He chirped, smiling that perfect smile of his. I managed not to blush and I spoke normally, which was a first.

"Hi Fred! It's good to see you too. How are you?" I replied as calmly as I could.

"Oh, I'm great dear! And yourself??" He asked as we walked into the restaurant. He smiled at me, looking straight into my eyes and I swear my heart literally skipped a beat. I was not getting over him any time soon.

"Yeah, I'm fine thanks." At that moment an already slightly drunk Roger came bounding over to us. Jesus, he was such a party animal. My mood dropped and my smile became fake once again.

"Hi guys! Any of you seen John?"

"Nope. Why, isn't he here yet?"

"Well what do you think?? I know he's bad with time, but come on. It's a bit rude to miss your own birthday party!" Oh great, so now Roger was pissed off. I hated this side of him. Conveniently, the man in question turned up.

"Oi! Taylor! Birthday boy's here, so you can relax now." I said jokily. I needn't have bothered - by the time I'd said anything, they were already talking. They still heard me though.

"Shut it May!" Roger and John chorused, laughing. Freddie and I knew there had to be something going on between them, but they constantly denied it. I knew they were lying: the way they looked at each other, the way they constantly fretted about each other, it was obvious they were together. It was only a matter of time before the truth would be revealed.

A few hours later, after a pretty average dinner/pub crawl, we were heading home and I was glad for it to be over. Barely anyone had bothered to turn up besides us, but nevertheless, Roger kept booze flowing and spirits up.

I stumbled into a taxi, exhausted and wasted. I regretted even going out, but at least the others had a good time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2014 ⏰

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