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Distance can never stop my love for you. I would go further than a light-year.                        

Love alone would be the source of energy for    my heart and lungs. My love for you is so great it combines our circulatory and respiratory system to have room to travel.

My love for you is so great that the stars shine brighter when they see us together. Constellations form a heart the size of the universe with our names on it.

As lover of the year, my name would be engraved in the sky, decorated with heart-shaped stars. Still my love for you is greater than that.

My love for you is so great, it’s blinding to others. Its apparent magnitude is -500 divided by 1000. My love for you is blue, hot, and long-lasting. My love for you is too great for any to see.

 My love for you is so great, it’s the law of supreme love.

My love for you is so great, it would take a scientist an eternity to understand it. How does love like this, so great and so powerful, exist? and in one person? You’d need at least 3 persons to endure its power. Yes, that’s true. And that’s why my love is for a special 5. I’d need a M.E.D.D.K to stay alive and survive its power.

My love for is great, powerful, and complicated.                                     

My love for you is too great for any to comprehend.

My love for you is too great to hide. That’s why I need a special 5.


5 people that keeps me alive.

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