Resolution By Greengecko

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NOT MINE- Just wanted to read the rest of the story. its still being updated on

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Resolution by greengecko

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Format: Novel

Chapters: 73

Word Count: 673,499

Status: WIP

Rating: 15+

Warnings: Mild Language, Mild Violence

Genres: Drama, General, Action/Adventure

Characters: Harry, Ron, Hermione, McGonagall, Snape, Shacklebolt, Tonks, Arthur, Ginny, OC

Pairings: Snape/OC, Other Pairing

First Published: 04/03/2007

Last Chapter: 07/20/2011

Last Updated: 07/20/2011


Sequel to Resonance and Revolution. Harry enters his second year as an Auror Apprentice. Snape's wedding looms, and Harry's odd new powers mature, creating mayhem, perilous temptations, and opportunities to gain real wisdom.

Chapter 1: On the Coast

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Introduction to Resolution

This is the third story in a trilogy that begins with the stories Resonance and Revolution, which I would strongly recommend reading before this. You can find them on this website by clicking on the author name somewhere on this page.

To quickly catch you up: Harry is nineteen in this story and an Auror Apprentice. He lives with his adoptive father, Severus Snape, in the mythical village of Shrewsthorpe. As the story opens, the characters are dealing with the aftermath of the most recent prophecy and the destruction that accompanied it.

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He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star.

-- Friedrich Nietzsche

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Chapter 1 — On the Coast

Harry lay sleeping with the warm breeze languidly flowing over his skin. A magically enlarged umbrella stretched over him, reducing the hot sun to manageable brightness. Red, blue and green bands of light discolored his chest and more obviously, the white bandages encasing his left arm.

"Do you really have to wake him?" Candide asked from behind oversized sunglasses when Snape glanced at his pocket watch. Snape did not reply, simply rose from the awkwardly low beach chair and crossed the white rocks. Unlike the others, who had donned swimwear, he wore shorts and a white starched shirt with the sleeves rolled up. 

Snape tapped Harry on his unbandaged shoulder, saying, "It is time again."

Harry woke slowly, groggy from the heat. It was as though he had been dreaming his surroundings and some time was required to adjust to the coincidental reality. Rubbing his eyes, he asked, "It's 2:00 already?"

Resolution By GreengeckoWhere stories live. Discover now