You again.

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"I haven't read the book yet." I know! I'm a terrible person... Lying all around, pretending I'm a smart-bad-ass chick from the "highly respected" Upper East side. Oh, and if you haven't heard, I'm one of the ant worker of the "colonial" academy in Malibu, here in Los Angeles, which is a hell of a contrast from my life in New York. It's the territory of the magnificent evil enchantress named Peyton, which I dispice so much! Don't ask. Although I already finished my freshmen year and starting a new chapter of my life as a sophomore, I still feel home sick. Like I don't belong. And let me wrap that up for you in one word: Awkward. That's it. That's where my life is based on. 

Well, if you ever ponder about the tome I'm blabbing about, it's my Physics book. What a shocker! You thought its some kind of a Harry Potter novel drafted by a hobo (so I heard)  from whatever hell she's from. And YES! being a student under the law of a queen bee SUCKS ASS! I'm not even kidding. I have to impersonate a genius persona and wear terrible crafted glasses with my spanky awesome hair. I'm sorry, I have this weird fetish for my hair. Just my hair. Nothing else. My school, or as I called it 'the' colony, is the most prestigious school in Malibu, not because all kids get an A plus in every field, but just because they're rich and famous like Lady Gaga and Whitney Houston combined. 

The only way to fit in for me is to be a damn genius. You see, there's only three possible gangs you can get into... the nerds, the hunks, and the worst, beware of the plastics. Wait. what? That's from mean girls. What I meant was the preppy, subtitled "the rich and famous", and there's no way in hell that I'm going to bow down to their drama queen. If you don't fit in, then you're considered a freak. To be honest, I'd rather be a freak. The only reason to be a part of the heirarchy is: the lady who pushed me out of her, well, you know what, and referred to as my mom and my wonderful older sister, who's name is... ta daaa... Peyton. 

Okay. Fine. Maybe I'm just a little jealous and all that. She has great hair, great body and most of all, she gets all the chunky hotties, and that doesn't exclude my awesome lovable perfect prince, Reed Cavanaugh. He's a typical lacrosse captain with toned muscles, perfect teeth and unreachable A's. He's like the perfect of the perfect. His perfect brown hair and hazel eyes. If I compare him to any hot guys in Hollywood, it will be Ian Somerhalder. He can fit in anywhere and girls will kill just to get his attention. But of course, your bad ass chick over here doesn't have the spotlight, and I'm not the kind of girl that does the first move. I think that's stupid. No offense. 

Am i blabbing too much? Geez, it's a habit. By the way, my name is Paige Vlahos. I'm 5'7 with a somewhat toned muscles and I swim for the school, part of the swimming team (Duh!).  I'm half Puerto Rican and Greek which is a weird combo. I'm naturally pale with long wavy black hair and you know what the freaky part is? I have blue eyes. I'm being compared to my sister a lot, she's somewhat taller than I am, by an inch. long brown hair. brown eyes. naturally tanned skin. and she does look like Jennifer Love Hewitt and I, on the other hand, somewhat look like Mila Kunis, only whiter with blue eyes, which creeps the hell out of people. Honestly, I don't think I'm normal. I might have like some super powers like Storm in X-men since she changes eyes and do loads of creepy shit. Weird eyes. Okay, continue, my sister looks more like my mother and I look like my father. We're being compared, a lot. Some says I'm prettier and some says she is. Let me change that. A lot says she's prettier cause she looks natural and I look like, well, different. And being her sister doesn't mean anything, she's still a total bitch to me... especially in the school. Preppy girls doesn't hang with nerdy ones, it ruins their reputation. 

In addition to the characters of my awfully ill-fated life, is my bestfriend, Thalia (I call her 'Tee'),  who has a Michael Crawford mania going on, our english teacher. She's like me. We get each other. Oh and she's half chinese and half dutch. You can say she looks like Kristin Kreuk from Smallville. She's a part of my crew, but we're not really a serious nerd. I mean, we both get B's occasionally but we don't transformed into a dramatic Hulk lunatics when that happens, unlike the others. We don't really get along with "the others" anyway. The only time that we hang out with them is during lunch, so we can sit in a formal table and talk about maths and chemistry plus the idée fixe of physics.

The best one on the table that could actually compete with Reed's perfection is Michaelis Payne. He hangs out with me and Tee. He's like our brother from another mother. Although he has that mentality of turning to a man with anger management issues when getting B's, he's focus is to get into the hunks. And I admit it! He has a great chance to be a part of them, except the fact that he sucks at lacrosse. It's like the football team of the school and its a requirement to get into that group of hunky hunks. Don't get me wrong, Michaelis is hot. He can totally make the cut if he improves his sport's skills. His dark brown hair and green eyes makes him look like Zac Efron but the Highschool Musical one. 

It's a crazy highschool... full of pranks, jealousy and bitch fights but it has it's perks. It's my first day tomorrow, so wish me luck.

Oh and welcome to St. Agatha Academy! 

Love ya, 


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