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A/N: I decided to dedicate each one of my poems and some other chapters eatch one to one of my followers because they didn't unfollow me even though it's been long since I las updated a story. thanks for you all. The first dedication is for the sweet Leeana. (:

It's a razor blade not a toy.

It is something that you'll enjoy.

When you feel empty inside.

And you need someone by your side.

To help you win the battle in your mind.

To help you who've always been blind.

But no one really do care.

They do nothing but stare.

At your skin full of scars.

While you're looking at the stars.

wishing for yours dreams to realize.

Then waiting for the sunrise.

Fighting with what remains to walk ahead.

Then you'll only find yourself dead.

Because no one cared for you.

Only when they've lost you.

They scream and cry.

Blaming the sky.

While they're the true murderers.

while they're the abusers.

Who killed you who's fragile.

An innocent angel.

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