John cena vs Barack Obama par

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John cenaaaa traveled around the world and  he met goku and goku did a kamehame haaaaaaaaaaaa!👹👹👹👹and said I'm I'm I'm John cenaaaa punched and waited for ten hours until he flipped over a chair right when he was about to do John cent move. he  went to the WWE stadium to reclaim his belt but John Cena had Obama who'll be running for president have a nice day in the underworld where your grave be forever. The crowd cheered the president just sat there
He called his wife and told him that he won't be able to make and Kane came in and threw Obama to the screen and now  sparks flew out one of them hit Kane and there was a big hole in chest passed away and John Cena yelled ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and went super sayain and ran back to the ramp and jumped and brought out his RPG misled and machine guns all at once they transformed into a robot and shot a RPG and misses and stopped on him came out of the robot and uppercutted him and shot one last misses and stabbed him in the back and said this is for Kane ahhhhhhhhh Obama exploded his guts every where the crowd cheered and step on him step on him he did Obama dead next up is Donald trump who will win John Cena turned and said another president  , and theme song da da nah dunnnn dad da nun da dunnnn aaa Natalia aaAaaaaaaaaaaaaa theeeee endddddddd

John Cena told Obama to go call his wife and tell her to have ayour daughter and herself

⛸⛸⛸⛸ bsndnsjsjdjrjejdjdndndmdnfmddmdmmd and more years later
Ca,e John Cena had won the battle

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