[1] His Gift

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So this is a new story I'm writing just for fun. I had a really creepy ( but awesome) dream about it and thought I'd write it down. So don't criticize my grammatical errors too harshly because like I said , this story is pretty much for my entertainment, but I'll try to fix the problems layer if they're too distracting.

Please vote and comment if you find you like this, maybe drop off an idea or two to me about where you think is going....

Oh and if you have time please fan!!!! And anyone who knows how to make awesome covers, plz message me! I'm looking for something dark and sexy!

Anyway, please enjoy and thanks for reading!!!!



All rights reserved.

Lights flashed on in my eyes after days of darkness, burning my retinas like fire and casting shadows on the surroundings I could only feel but not see. I cringed at the sudden extremity of light and flinched toward the center on the cell, my dirty hands shielding my face protectively as if that alone could make the intensifying light go away, but after several excruciating moments my arms swung back to my sides of their own accord, dead weight against my dead body.

For the first time since I was taken I was able to look at my surroundings, but not much captured my attention except for tall, haunting walls, seemingly never ending as they rise above my head to heights I couldn't imagine, ascending into infinite darkness and giving way to nothing but layers of shadow, each darker than the last.

The floor was the same. Though I was clearly on solid ground it looked as if it would open up and swallow me like a tiny prey mouse. I found myself inching toward the light that was barely potent enough to give life to the few feet in front if it and looked up into two clean, shaven male faces.

There was something about these men that were a little off whenever they come to check up on me. Their eyes seemed to hold an unnatural glow to them, their faces too smooth, lips and eyes too perfect. Everything about their presence was screaming danger to me, buy they didn't look it at all. In fact they looked so angelical I thought they might be here to finally take me back. Maybe they'll tell me they made a mistake and kidnapped the wrong girl. Maybe they'll feed me.

I looked pleadingly into their faces, ignoring that the tiny light in their hands was nothing more than that: just a round ball of floating blue light, but I've seen stranger things since coming here.

"P-p," I croaked, my mouth dry from lack of water. My scaly tongue raked over my bleeding chapped lips, but I could form no saliva. "P-ple-ease," I begged, distorting the words. The men shot me confused glances, irritation and annoyance written all over their faces, wanting me to see their impatience.

In a corner of the cell I could see the promising glint of a silver tray laying flat on the ground, barren. It's never been filled with food even once.

My stomach roared in painful protest as I moved toward the glint of light reflecting off of the blue orbs, crawling on my hands and knees, half mad from days of isolation, darkness and the absence of food.

I was too tired to crawl back to the metal bars that locked me in here, too exhausted to even sit up, but I manage it somehow, tucking my skinny legs underneath my bony body carefully and extending the silver tray out with both hands.

"Pl-plea-ese...I need... I-I...." I just couldn't form the words I needed. I bit my cracked lip in frustration, releasing another trail of blood, and pushed the tray out in front of me so violently it flew out of my hands and rolled into the metal bars at the men's feet.

That was the best I could do. I collapsed to the floor, my forehead hitting the hard, damp ground first, the rest of my body following soon after.

I groaned and forced myself to stay awake, but my eyes were so heavy and sleep has always eased the pain, even if it's only slightly numbing.

Everything seemed far away and distant and then I heard voices.

"I think she's trying to tell us something," one of the men said, his toned stained with pity.

"W-wa-ter," I try again, but I couldn't even get my cheek off the cellar ground to look at them correctly. Curses, I was tired. Is this what dying feels like?

My lips formed the word water, but no sound came out so I finally gave up with as heavy of a sigh as I could manage without passing out. It sounded like a wind brushing through trees.

"Do you think she's dead?" the same voice wondered. No, I think. I'm not dead. Not yet.

My body was cramped and aching, my heart barely a flutter in my chest. Once upon a time I might have prided myself on my nice figure and good hygiene, but now I was skeleton skinny and laying in my own liquids. The clothes that were once vibrant and full of color and life now clung to me like dead skin, grey and so loose on my body I yearned to just take them off and be free if it, but I haven't had the strength to for weeks. I might as well be dead.

"Who cares if she is?" the second man said, his voice much deeper with a tone of authority. "She's just a human."

Just a human. I wondered what that meant but didn't ponder on it for too long. My head was throbbing too much, excelling the beat in my chest.

And then darkness enveloped me again, relieving my stinging, watery eyes from the light once more.

"W-wait," I cried when I heard footsteps disappearing into the distance and then a door closed with finality in it's creaking hinges, but my voice was just a mere whisper.

Just as I lost hope I heard more footsteps, just one set, coming near my cell. There was no floating blue light in their hands like most of the guards carry. I couldn't make out any features, not even the shape of a body. The darkness consumed everything around and in it like a thick, suffocating blanket.

The footsteps drew nearer and then there was a whisper of a voice that I was too tired to catch. I couldn't tell if it belonged to male or female and didn't really care. I just wanted to die already.

"Here," the voice said to me, but I made no sudden movement toward it. "Here, stupid girl!" the voice whisper yelled, muttering something about humans under their breath.

"Ah-ah-ah," I panicked, but only sounds would come out. Who was this person? The grim reaper? Finally here to capture my soul? I found myself suddenly afraid and anxious, but beneath that was a sliver of hope.

Something hit my head and rolled off. My arm slowly reached for it and settled on something warm and soft. It smelled sweet like honey.

"Eat up," the voice said. "you're going to need it."

I finally made out that it was a man talking to me and throwing things, but there was something wrong with his voice. It sounded muffled and distant, not really like a voice at all. That's probably why I didn't know whether it was a man or woman at first.

"Go on," he encouraged. "Eat this bread and you will be stronger."

The cellar door opened and five voices broke through the shuddering silence. I heard whoever was in front of my cell stand up and sigh, "We will meet again, Sage."

My name hung heavy on his lips and then he left. For a moment I worried about the trouble he would be in for talking to and giving a prisoner food, but as I listened to the voices, I didn't hear any confrontation or scoldings.

I squeezed the bread between my fingers and put the entire thing in my mouth, chewing it painfully and swallowing it carefully so it didn't get lodged in my dry throat.

Almost immediately the bread came back up all over the floor and my dingy shirt. I heaved breathlessly, holding my cramping stomach, and fell unconscious to the sound of rats at my feet.

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