Murder at the Mansion

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chapter 1

It was a sunny day with the birds singing lovely tunes, kids playing in parks and music blaring as loud as the concerts in Ibiza. Down a twisted road was bungalows of red, pink and white. The people who lived here were as jolly as playing kids. This bliss road was the richest in the world and home to people from the USA to the UAE. Gold statues of contented animals were in green lawns and ponds of cheerful fish, rippling the water above. Gleaming Porches and Lamborghini's were placed gently on the polished pavements. Their windows and doors reflected the roasting sun beams out into the deserted streets. The street was a fatal dead-end. The clean houses gave the silent street life throughout the years.                                                                                                                                        Until you reach the end!

People feared this house for many reasons. You find out later. At the end of the perfect street stood a colossal; terrifying; monstrous mansion. The purple mansion had creaky metal gates leading up past the muted graveyards. Crows screeched from leafless trees perched perfectly; silently. Shutters: Open and closed, Open and closed , Open and closed. Windows were smashed and the grass were burnt and not cared for. The door was as big as an elephant and the knocker was skull and bones. Behind the mansion was overgrown trees and shrubs crowded the derelict backyard. The metal woks were slashed and smashed to bits across the deserted house.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

That very morning, when the clock struck 8:00 o'clock, was the tragic nightmare.

The local postman marched down the serene street, delivering mail to the houses. The postman had long, dashing, brown hair which was gliding in the air; he had thick, green eyes and a extended, brown moustache. Wearing the usual blue uniform, he delivered the first parcel. Many houses were unaccompanied as the postman marched closer to the mansion.





There was one last parcel. He stood outside the corroded, metal gates. Fear struck his mind; a shiver went up his spine as crows bellowed; owls yelled; dogs howled. Gently, he pushed the rusty gate and the gate let out a noisy CREAK! Walking up up the derelict road, the postman saw graveyards scattered about. Suddenly a dense fog was started to form over the empty house; he stumbled over gravestones nearby as the fog made it near possible to see: bruises started to appear on his legs.Finally, he made it to the broken doors of the mansion and knocked 3 times.


No answer. He proceeded down the rickety stairs; all of a sudden, the purple hurled open to show the creepy interior.

" Hello, anyone there?," He said petrified,"Hello?"

The strong door slammed shut quickly as he stepped inside. The door was locked. A candle flickered at the other side of the empty room. The dense fog lifted as quickly as a aeroplane takes of the runway. The candle flickered as if it was dancing. The postman was: frightened,scared,terrified and petrified for his life. Sweat dripped from his worried head onto the shattered floor. His hands were getting sweaty and the wicked wind breezed into his face and body. The candle flickered out and the room fell to complete darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2013 ⏰

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