Author's Note

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Before you go on, please read what I am about to say. 

For the longest time, I have tried to write. I've tried to come up with a story, a novel, that doesn't feel amateur or boring; I've wanted to write something that is professional--that feels like an actual novel. But, the problem was that I either wanted to write something like John Green, or Cheryl Rainfield, and that wouldn't work out, because that would be like copying them; or, I would start to write something, but I would never  actually finish it, because I have shit time managing skills. But, I've come to realize that I can't escape sounding or writing like an amateur, because I am one. This is the first time I feel like I'm actually going to write a full novel, and not leave it, only never to be worked on again. And, I can't just write like someone that's already been published, because I am not them. I am me, and I am a clingy, hopeless romantic that loves the idea of self destructing, but fears the thought of others self destructing. I am a narcissist that likes to help others.  

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