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" Erika I'm hungry ... "

I feel a shove on my legs and let out a mumble as I turn around to face my little brother and say in an annoyed tone " What do you want?" I wince at how that came out, mornings and I are enemies especially when I read till 4 in the morning. I push my self off the cocoon of sheets I was engulfed in my bed pulling the ear plugs out as well and say

" Sorry what was that? You're hungry Erik?"

" Yes! And Kimberly doesn't want to give me food!"

"Okay I'll go down in a bit"

He turned around and left my room closing the door behind him.

I fall back on my bed and automatically reach for my iPod under my pillow and switch it on. 10:04 am. Ugh time to get up yet again. Our mom and dad are off at work as usual AND as usual I'm the Nanny.

Peeling my self off of the bed, I get up and check my reflection on my mirror, my short dark straight hair is a big jumble of hot mess, a rat's nest. I simply brush it off my face and rub my eyes hoping that can somehow eliminate the sleep still threatening my eyelids to shut close and as a stiff zombie I put one leg in front of the other and head down stairs.

Heading to the kitchen I make a quick scheme through the nearest cabinet seeing nothing I open the fridge and call out

" Do you want cereal? Cookies and milk or hmmmm oh yea top ramen?"

Erik looks up from his iPod and quickly says cereal and looks back down consumed entirely on playing Angry Birds. I let out a sigh. Now referring to my sister I say

" Have you eaten Kim?"


She hardly even acknowledged my presence I stare at her, her whole attention on her tablet.

I fix up his cereal and empty the remaining of the milk on another cup. "Here it is come and get it, I'm going to go throw away the milk jug outside, okay?"

Nothing. Your welcome.

I open our front door and instantly the sun's rays and the bright blue clear sky make my head hurt and I quickly look down and shut my eyes close.

It's the second week of summer and if you don't have plans to travel and visit your dear aunt in Florida and stay home unfortunately you will be doing a whole bunch of nothing.

Staying home here in Central Oregon your only options for fun is either the parks, a very limited movie theater, YoWild a frozen yogurt place, and the library oh and that's right Walmart.

No kidding with that last one when boredom consumes you, one can't be so picky as to where you go to distract yourself from it.

Man I feel like a hermit I and many other kids here in Redmond I bet have hardly gone out of their homes just letting the summer waste away indoors unless your into the outdoors, you know, camping and fishing and who knows what other out-doorsy things out doors people do.

I need a life haha.

Well since graduating high school and entering community college friends become acquaintances and those that you remain attach to just simply don't have time anymore. Oh well.

I take a big deep breath and simply stand outside our house letting the sun's rays bathe all over my body I'm thinking of probably reading outside today when

I hear a horrible screeching sound and the sound of the violent crunch of metal on wood.

My head snaps so quickly pain shoots from the back of my neck to my ears making my eyes close from the pain but as fast as it came it left.

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