The End

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She saw the boy sitting on a fallen tree by the water's edge, he hadn't moved since the last time she saw him. She had walked and now stood by him and hesitantly sat to his left. His eyes, unwavering, stared out over the glowing red horizon. She spoke first.

"I always see you down here."
"That's because im always down here."
"I see that." She picked up a flat stone and skipped it twice over the water, "Do you think we are the only ones left?"
"Sure, why wouldn't we be?"
"Well, why would we be? I mean, there's nothing special about me. I'm seventeen and I don't even have a job."
"Maybe it's not about the past but about the future."
"In which case, things are looking up for us. Right?"
He shrugged, never removing his eyes from the deep pulsating violet horizon. "I guess."
"You look like you are waiting for something. Is someone coming?"
"I'm not waiting for anyone, I doubt anyone is coming for us. They all looked dea when they were taken through the doors."
"Doors? They were drug through cracks."
"No they weren't. There were doors."
"I think I know what I saw."
"Yeah, you probably do."
She got quiet. He stared at the icy blue horizon.
"... Do you know where they-"
He stood up swiftly as the sky became as black as death. " shh.. it's happening."
"What's happening?"
"I've seen this twice but both times I was scared to go alone."
"Go alone?"
"When you see the light - a blinding light like someone is shining a flashlight in your eyes, follow me."
"And why would I ever wanna follow you?"
"Because you will be left behind if you don't. Why else would you come down here if you too weren't scared?"

The light shown bright like he said. Grabbing his hand she followed him.

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