{Chapter 1} Spilled Coffee

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Dedicated to @EvangelineLanae, the bestest bestie there ever was =)


“As long as there was coffee in the world, how bad could things be?” 

― Cassandra Clare, City of Ashes

                After much begging and pleading, Leighton managed to convince her Aunt that she was capable of roaming around the city by herself. Although she credited much of it to her alleged persuasiveness, she knew that her Aunt’s easygoingness had something to do with the quite loud fight her neighbors were having and her overly gossipy-ness. Either way, she wasn’t about to complain.

                Thus she made her way throughout the town of Beverley, located in East Yorkshire, stopping at markets to buy little trinkets, taking what seemed to be a million pictures of the beautiful landscape, and just roaming around the city observing everyday life in Beverley.

                After a few hours of roaming around, Leighton saw a coffee shop a little distance away from her. Being the caffeine addict she is, she decided to get herself a cup of steamy deliciousness.

                She crossed the street and was about to reach the door when a gust of air blew her hair into her face. As she paused for a second to flip her wavy blond locks out of her eyes, someone bumped into her, spilling a cup full of hot liquid all over her favorite coat.

“Ack!” Leighton exclaimed in surprise before irritatedly exclaiming, “Dude, watch where you’re going!”

“Sorry!” the messy haired culprit called out, not even breaking his pace.

“Grrh! Why are English people so rude?” She muttered under her breath, as she took in the damage to her coat.

“Not all of us are, Sweetheart,” a guy who was clearly drunk, and possibly Irish, leered at her. “Try me.”

“Uh, no thanks,” Leighton replied, quickly turning around and making her way back towards her Aunt’s house, not so interested by a cup of coffee anymore, mentally cursing out the brownhaired guy who ruined her favorite coat.

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