Emily and Jason

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"I'm not the type of person to love, I'm a 17 year old that makes bombs and I'm only warning you that I might never be there for you" Jason said as tears streamed down her face. "I know Jason but I still love you and always will" Emily whispered as he walked away plotting his next bombing on the police station. "you know this is wrong Jason so why do you do it?" she said as he walked. He didn't hear her, thank the mighty Beadles for that. Jason walked down the hall as Emily once again thought of calling 911 on her boyfriend. She couldn't do that though, she loved him to much to loose him. There was a knock on the door. Emily wiped her eyes and answered it. "las Vegas Police" the man began as he held up a picture of Jason "gave you seen this boy?" Emily thought about it for a minute. And nodded "he's in the bedroom down the hall to the right" she cried. The officer called for back up and ewith-in minutes the place was surrounded. Jason was arrested and off to jail. Emily sobbed for days knowing she shouldn't have given up jason so easily. While cleaning the house around a year later she found a diamond ring. And a note that said:

Dear Emily,

Over the past few months I've realized that we're perfect for each other and I want you to be mine forever and always. Marry me?

Love Hopefully your Fiancé,

Jason McCann


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