How It Works

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1. Look through the Table Of Contents
2. Find the genre of your book
3. Click on it
4. In the comments, write the title and a short summary of your book

Simple as that! I do ask that you look through the comments and see if there's any books that catch your eye, just to help fulfill the purpose of this book!
For Example, I promote my book to show you how you should promote yours:

Title: Hey, Baby.
Layla Finnic, a 17 year old from New York City, is suddenly pregnant. When her baby boy, Grayson, is born, she's over-whelmed with happiness. But there's one question. Can she handle it?

And I would put that under the "Teen Fiction" genre because that is what I marked my book as. (If you haven't checked out "Hey, Baby." You should totally do that (; haha)

If you have questions, feel free to private message me.

So go on! Self-promote yourself!

Self- Promotion (Promote Your Stories!)Where stories live. Discover now