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..: Prologue :..


            I was five when I found the Book. My Mother had a thing for yard sales, but specifically gypsy yard sales. She would say that gypsies have better magic and artifacts then the strongest of wizards and witches. I don’t really agree with her, but I couldn’t tell her that. She would have taken away all of my video games, and I love my video games!

Anyway, it was in an old gypsy lady’s garage sale, (at the time I didn’t know her name). Other gypsies, humans, and the occasional witch and demon would wonder through the rows and rows of old treasures that the woman had placed out. I usually didn’t bother to look around whenever I was with my Mother at these kinds of things, but I was bored sitting in the car this time and decided to look around. In reality, I just forgot my PSP and didn’t want to sit in the car.

The first thing I noticed when I stepped out of the car was the gypsy lady, then how cold the October air was. She stood alone on her stoop, a warped black cane in her skeleton looking hands. Her skirt was a dark crimson color covered in black jewels, and her shirt was black with a grey shawl draped over her bony shoulders. Her bangs hang out of a grey, black and red head dress that hides the rest of her grey hair. Even from a great distance away I could feel her beady eyes burning into my skull, I felt myself pale as she moved her thin arm along her yard gesturing to her belongings. I swear I saw her smile at me but I wasn’t sure, glancing around I pulled my oversized hoodie closer before I started walking around.

Spread out in front of me on the ground was a long tarp with stuffed animals, and other kinds of toys. Old porcelain dolls in moldy boxes, torn puzzle boxes probably with pieces missing, and plenty of toys from other decades that I didn’t know what they were. Behind the tarp was a long table and behind that one three more tables. The first table held all kinds of artifacts, the second clothes, cloth, blankets, yarn, and etcetera, and finally the last table held all kinds of books. Also, around the yard were chairs, tables, bed frames, and other stuff.

Ignoring the toys, and clothes I go over to the books hoping for a coloring book or maybe a drawing book. From what I saw I couldn’t understand most of the books on the table, I couldn’t even understand some coloring books, how crazy is that, but things changed when I saw the book. It was separate from all the other books and different looking too. While all the other books were old, worn out and moldy, this book was new. It didn’t have anything on the cover or on the back, and when I opened it all the pages were blank and stunningly white.

Book in hand I wonder around the books a bit more before I decide it was time to buy it, no matter how creeped out I was by the gypsy woman. Cautiously walking up to her stoop she breaks out into a big grin, all her missing and rotting teeth showing to me. Freaking out on the inside, I let a small smile grace my face, while I was mentally pep-talking myself, “I’m a big boy and didn’t need to be afraid of her.” At least that is what I told myself anyway.

She continued to smile at me as she leaned in close, her voice a hoarse whisper, “This is a very special book young one. It has strange powers, be careful with it or the darkness in it will swallow you whole.” I felt myself pale dramatically and drop the book in front of her feet and turn to leave, but was stopped by the hag laughing, “Oh heavens child, have you no sense of humor? I’m just kidding you.”

“R-really,” I hesitantly asked my voice small and barely above a whisper as I look over my shoulder at her.

“Of-course, an old lady like me needs to have fun once in a while,” picking the book up she wipes the dirt from it, “However, it is a very special book, take good care of it young one.”


Facing the woman I take the book back from her, feeling a little at ease as I purchase the book from her, and leave her house with my mom who practically filled the car up with the woman’s junk. That was until I looked back at her to see her wave and another wave of dread filled me.






..:..       A / N    ..:..


Thank you for reading the prologue to Magika,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2013 ⏰

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