Christmas Morning - Lashton

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It's December 25th, 2015 while Luke and Ashton were on their tour called 'Sounds Live Feels Live', to be precise. Ashton was on top of Luke's chest, cuddling him,while their legs were intertwined softly together. Luckily for them, their bandmates Michael and Calum were completely okay with them being together.

But, their fans don't know about Luke and Ashton dating.

Yeah, they write fanfictions about 'Lashton', but if they were to actually come out, they could get tons of hate. Some people only write the fanfictions to make up for the fact that they aren't in one, or maybe their fans really do ship them together.

"Ashton baby, it's Christmas." The blonde says to the sleeping beauty on his chest. The hazel eyed boy stirs a bit, but doesn't fully wake up. Luke kisses his head and then hears a tiny giggle.

"Ash, Merry Christmas. I love you." Ashton looks up at his boyfriend and kisses his cheek, replying afterwards, "I love you too Lukey. Merry Christmas."

It was 8:00 am in London and Calum bursts into the room. "Guys. Merry fucking Christmas. Michael, he just did something and I can't!" Ashton looks at Luke in alarm and gets off his boyfriend's chest.

"Calum sit down and calm down. What happened?" Calum grabs his blonde/black hair and starts pacing. "He...just...last night... don't know... to reply.." Luke jumped out of the bed and went over to the boy who looked as if he was having a panic attack. Luke pulled his hands out of his hair and looked into amazing brown eyes.

"Calum what happened with you and Michael!?" Calum looks like he just saw his mother being murdered. "He said he has been in love with me for three years"

Luke doesn't know what to do. He give his boyfriend a look, then back to Calum. He runs out of the room, leaving Ashton with Calum.

Luke runs into Michael's room. He knows he could be nicer about this, but he hurt his little Calum. The blonde didn't even bother to think about how Michael was feeling during this situation on Christmas morning.

He opens the door, to see a distraught red-haired boy. Yes, just staring at the wall. The sight caught Luke off guard.

"He told you, didn't he?" Luke walks slowly over to Michael and grabs his hand. "Yeah, just vent to me Mikey."

Michael sighs and turns his attention to the blonde. "I love him and have been in love with him for three years. Three fucking years. I love all of his tattoos and beautiful brown eyes. The way that he's not afraid to be himself. I really like him, and the minute I tell him, he runs away! God damn, this was my worst fear, and it came true Luke!" The blonde doesn't really know how to respond, so he just hugs the older boy.

Meanwhile, Ashton was hugging the younger boy. He was crying. "Shh Calum, it's okay. Just why did you run?" Calum look into Ashton's eyes, and says "because I'm pretty sure I like him, and I think it just hit me now."

He runs out of the room in tears. The hazel eyed boy definitely did not expect that. Luke pulled away from the hug and just then, Calum walked back into the room.

Michael looks away from the beautiful boy. Calum walks over, and bends down (cause Michael is on a bed and feet on the floor) and places his lips on Michael's.

Michael doesn't kiss back, because he's half stunned and half pissed off. He pushes the boy away and says in a broken voice, "Don't! I tell you I love you, and you run out of the room in tears! Just come back in after a few hours and kiss me? Why, why did you do that Calum?"

Calum looks into amazingly beautiful green eyes, "Because I was afraid, but now I'm not. I like you Michael Clifford. I'm not ready to say I love you, but I still do like you a lot more than friends." Michael smiles, and then kisses the boy.

Luke is stunned, so he awkwardly moves away. His boyfriend is now leaning against the door frame and chuckles at his movements. Luke walks over to his boyfriend and kisses him softly and quickly.

All of a sudden, Ashton gasps, breaking apart the boys. He runs over to the window and sees snow. Luke giggles at his childlike actions.

Two hours later, and a new couple born, Luke and Ashton were cuddling in their bed. "Hey Ashton. I'm ready to tell the fans." Ashton was shocked with the sudden news.

"Are you sure? I know I am, but I don't want to rush you. We've told our family, but are you su-" Luke cut him off with a kiss. "Fuck yes. I'm definitely ready." 

He got him computer and went on Twitter. He saw that a lot of fans are missing the twit-cams, so he logs into their old account  and posts a tweet about having another live-stream coming up. A bunch of fans 'flipped the fuck out'. Luke said it will only be him and Ashton. So then just minutes later, they start it.

"Hey guys! We haven't been on here in like a year or so, but we are actually not late this time. We know most of you guys have been missing these, and Keeks, so we want to bring them back. After all you guys have done for us, we will bring back a few things you miss."

Ashton says to the camera. Him and Luke are secretly holding hands, as a way to support each other. "Luke and I have a big announcement." Luke looks at him, and gets tears in his eyes. Two years of being together, you end up loving someone, and you can't live without them.

"Ashton and I, we're dating." The comments explode, and Luke can't look at them. Ashton didn't expect Luke to just do that, but he's proud. Ashton decides to tell them more. "We've been dating for two, almost three years. We love each other, nothing can change that."

Luke can't handle it anymore, so he turns his boyfriends head with his free hand, and kisses him. He pulls away and says, "I love you Ashton Fletcher Irwin" Ashton smiles and looks into ocean blue eyes. "I love you too Lucas Robert Hemmings."


-michael. [ edited ; 09-February-2017 ]

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