Chapter 1

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"Santana come here !" Dani yells excitedly from their restroom.
Santana runs to where Dani is thinking it's an emergency. "What ! Are you okay? What happened?!" She says breathlessly.
"I'm ovulating, look!" Dani shoves the stick in Santana's face. That sticks indicates that she is indeed ovulating.
"Oh baby , you're ovulating." The tall Latina says.
"Let's make a baby." She kisses her softly.
"Mhm, let's make a baby." Dani smiles into the kiss and takes her girlfriend into a tight embrace.
"How about you get dressed and I'll drop you off with the wonder twins on my way to work." Santana loving taps Dani's ass while she walks out the restroom.

At Rachel's house

"Bye baby." Santana waves to Dani while walking away from her and her two best friends.
"Okay, I'll meet you at the doctors office!" Dani reminded her knowing she will forget.
"Oh shit, that's right." Santana face palms and stops in the middle of her tracks. She turns around, "what time am I supposed to be there again ?"
"7:30 sweetie."
"Right okay, see ya guys!" Santana waves to eatery one and leaves out the front door on her way to work.

"Oh my god, is it today ?" Rachel exclaims.
"Is what today ?"
"The insemination !"
"Wait, you guys are actually going to try to have a baby ?" Says Kurt.

Kurt has been doubting the two girls' relationship these past few months. He can definitely tell something are just not okay. They're not doing okay.

"No not yet, first Arnold Harvey." Says Dani.
"No way ! How'd you get that appointment." Rachel asks.
"How do I not know who this is!"
"Jesus Kurt, he's only lilt the super exclusive stink to all the biggest stars in Hollywood." Rachel explains to her friend.

"Yup." Dani sits down on Rachel's big L-shaped black couch.

"Okay, and what for ? You guys don't necessarily need a shrink." Retorts Kurt.
"Just checking in, I guess." Dani shrugs. "We're about to do this incredibly major thing... I just want to make sure we're good, ya know..."

At the doctors office

"She's always running late." Dani tells the therapist. "She had a board meeting with her company, then a meeting with one of her clients. Santana is the director of 'Burning Records'."

"Oh I see." Arnold , their shrink says not very quite impressed.
After a few minutes Santana finally walks into the office. "Look David, I got to go.... No god no, if she wants to work with this company, you tell her I need those papers on my desk by 9 am tomorrow. If not the deal is off. Understood ? Yes exactly, bye."

"Hello my love." Santana kisses Dani on the cheek and takes the seat next to her. "Okay , here I am."

"Alright, let's start with the thinking behind trying to have a child together when your sexual relationship has been pretty shitty for the past two years or so."
"It's not shitty." Santana scoffs offended
"It may not be perfect but... There just slot more to a relationship than sex." Says Dani.
"Yeah, we've been together seven years." Santana adds.

"I know plenty of couples who still have sex after seven years."
"Well it's not like we never have sex." Dani says shyly.

"A lot of heterosexual couples have children when their relationship isn't perfect. You just obviously don't understand what happens in a lesbian relationship." Santana stands up getting annoyed and ready to leave. "I knew this was a bad idea, we're done here. Get your stuff babe."

"What about the insemination?" The shrinks asks trying out a different topic.
"That's not up for discussion." Santana retorts.
"So then shall we reschedule another session?"

"We will let you know. I think me and Dani need to talk." And with that Santana walks out the room dragging Dani right behind her.

Maybe this relationship may not work but I'm not going to give up on her. We've been together since college. I'm not going to leave her just because there's been bumps on our road. I don't care what anyone says, especially a stupid shrink. I will go through this insemination. I want a family and I want it with her.

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