Cross Dressing {Gratsu: Natsu}

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[About the picture, I thought I might as well Let the guy keep a bit of his dignity with this picture considering this story will be about him... cross dressing. XD  Anyways I hope you enjoy this Gratsu One-shot. ^~^  P.S. Characters may be out of character so don't judge!  Oh yeah and The idea for this story I got from one of the one shots made by  AOTKawaiiFangirl, so I would check her out if you haven't already!]


"Kill... Me... Now!" Natsu exclaimed while staring ahead at the two other girls in the room.  Natsu, Lucy, and Erza where all at the mall and searching for an outfit Natsu could wear to the Fiore ball. 

"Natsu!  You lost the bet now you have to deal with the consequences!" Erza yelled to the pink haired boy.

Natsu slightly flinched but still spoke in a mutter "Yeah well I thought I would win..."

"Ooo Erza you have got to see this one!" Lucy shouted from the inside of one of the curtains.  Erza looked over to the pinklette and gave him a harsh stare telling him to stay.  She then walked into the changing room.

Natsu just sat their for a minute or two muttering a few curse words, waiting for his two female friends to come out.  When they where finished, they both walked out holding some kind of outfit that was hidden underneath a white plastic covering.  The pinklette got up, ready to see what it looked like but was instead pushed back down by Erza's firmly held hand.

Natsu crossed his arms and pouted at the two females "Can't I at least be prepared for the endless torture I am about to be forced to endure?"

"Natsu, we all know that if you see it your going to do something stupid.  Might as well just wait till the day comes that way only Gray has to deal with you." Lucy said with a giant smirk on her face.

Natsu scoffed and looked away blushing.  "There better not be ANYONE we know at that ball or I will fist every last one of them into unconsciousness right in front of the king if need be!"

"The only people we know going to the ball will be me, Jellal, Lucy, Loke, Happy, Gray, and you.  Both Loke and Jellal promised that they would tell no one that any of this happened so don't worry you will be fine." Erza said in a reassuring tone.  Natsu's attitude didn't change in the slightest. Instead he just looked down at the ground and grumble as they made their way back to Natsu's house.

~*<Time skip: Day of the Ball>*~

Happy and Natsu had just finished a mission and where at the moment walking back to their little old shack in the woods.  Natsu, being his forgetful self totally forgot that today was the day of the ball so him and Happy walked (or flied in Happy's case) peacefully over to their home.  When they got their Natsu opened the door only to see Gray, Lucy, and Erza all standing inside.  Natsu jumped in surprise at the intrusion.  "What the hell!  What are you all doing here?!"

"We're here to help you get ready for the ball remember?!" Lucy said with a 'duh' tone.  Right then Natsu's whole body froze and he felt like he was about to have a panic attack.  Lucy, Erza, and Happy all looked concerned while Gray just stared at the dragon slayer with a lust filled expression.

I wonder how hot Natsu will look in a dress?  I wonder what the dress even looks like? Were the first thoughts that ran through Gray's head. Wait no why the hell is this exiting me so much?  I shouldn't be so happy to see my boyfriend in a dress should I?  Ugh this is so freaking weird!

"Come on Natsu we have to get you ready!  Gray you can get dressed at your house while me and Lucy work on Natsu at Lucy's place.  Meet us at Lucy's apartment at 4:00 sharp you hear me?" Erza said while give Gray a stern glare.

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