Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to My supporting little sister, Eden

Chapter 1

Mr. Harvord's house was right down the street ours was on, at the very end of Dainty Lane. We found out a week ago that he dies from cancer. We heard it on the news.

I knew it really wasn't any of our business, as we barely ever saw him. He was, after all, a sort of celebrity, but when he came down here, in our little corner of Exeter, England, he just seemed like a normal neighbour, with a huge, expensive house. I guess you could never really ignore the kind of money he had, but when he sat out in his garden, reading, he just seemed like a regular old guy. I felt like I wanted to hear from his sisteror something, instead of Nellie, the news reporter on BBC.

The tele was on, talking about his heirs and the creepy mystery in the will, waking me from my day dream. My older sister, Erin, got up from the settee next to me and went into the kitchen taking the dirty plates, saying,

"It's kinda strange, huh? The whole thing in the will and stuff, ya know?" then she started filling the sink up, mumbling, "Strange, but cool."

I was bobbing my head and, when she was done, I said something along the lines of "Uh, yeah," not really paying any attention.

"Are you ok, honey?" my mum asked from the island's barstool, her voice lathered in concern. When I looked up, both my parents looked worried, my mum's head was cocked to the side and my dad's eyesbrows were so close togther, the hairs look intertwined.

'Sure," I said lamely, and then continued after seeing their unconvinced looks. 'I just- I kinda miss him in a wired way.' It was close enough to the truth that I didnt feel guilty about lying.

"Oh sweetie...' my mum crooned, coming towards me with open arms.

Not in the mood for hugs and kisses, I asked, "Can I go upstairs and ring Rose? I want to see if I'm alone on this." Before they could answer, the twins came rushing down the stairs. Alice was shouting, "Mum! Dad! Did you watch the news?" She and Madison must have been watching the tele in Erin's room.

"No.....' Erin mumbled sarcastically, as she washed the dishes.

"I can't believe Mr. Harvord's actually dead. And 'cause of cancer, too," Alice said, ignoring Erin. A lump rose to my throat.

"I hope I'm still as creative as I am now as I am when I'm writing my will, so that when I die, it'll be as cool as his!"

"You mean the whole mystery thing he's planted in the will? That'd be so cool to have in a will!" Alice shouted, turning to Maddie.

"But who do you suppose would try to solve it, d'you think/ And why?" Erin wondered aloud, drying her hands on the teatowel and putting a hand on her hip.

"A friend? Or a relative, perhaps," answered my mum.

Unable to hear any more, I bolted upstairs and shut the door to my room. The conversation continued downstairs, but, although I could only hear their muffled voices vibrating, it was obvious that the topic had changed to my strange behavior. There was only one person I could talk to about it.

Rose Jones and I had been practically like sisters since year three in primary school. Now we would be starting year nine together when school started up again, in a few days. ususally we share every feeling, thought and moment with eachother, but it's slow through post cards and letters in the post, and it's not quite the same.

Rosie's parents take her on trips all over the world that take up most of the summer, because they don't want to mess up her straight A's by taking her during the school year. Now she's back and we're making up the quality time we missed, since we're only a phone call away again.

I hit her speed dial and she picked up on the first ring.

"Been watching BBC?"

"Yeah. D'you kinda miss him?"

"Uh-huh. Does his will really really creep you out?"

"Definatly." I sighed in relief to get everything off my chest, and i could hear hear her doing the same.

"Man, I loved Italy, but I'm so glad I'm back. Can you imagine if I heard about this in Cortona?!"

"No not really," I answered smiling. "But I couldn't have gotten through it all without you."

There was a moment of quiet giggling at my suggestion at my lame holidays. Then I asked, cautiously,

"Are your parents okay with it all?"

"Yeah they're fine? Totally?! I just don't get it. What about you?"

"My parents dont mind at all, either. Hell, my sisters think it's cool!"

"Wow," she sounded generally surprised, but all my answer came out as was,

"I know."

"Tell me if this is a long shot, but, I know he's this huge, super star business man, but I wish we'd heard it from someone other than the tele, like his daughter or his Auntie Hilda.' I smiled at the comment that was almost identical to my earlier thought.

"Hello?" Came Rosie's voice from the other end.

"I'm here and I'm totally understanding you." My attempt at sounding cool came out wrong, but it was only Rose.

"Aheh-good. So I'm not crazy. Anyway, gotta go, my parents need my opinion on the scrapbook. Again.' I could tell she was rolling her eyes.

' Ok, see you later,' I replied, silently laughing. As soon as I put the phone down I sat down at my Macbook and searched 'Thomas Harvord' on Google UK.

I got a blip on my blackberry and a new chat with Rosie had started on my bbm.

Researchin? it said.

I answered with a smiley  face and then clicked on the first website.

I would wish I hadn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2011 ⏰

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