Chapter One

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Chapter One


 Everyone has a breaking point. A point where things get so bad, they just can’t handle it anymore. Today it was Celestia’s turn to break.

            It was inevitable, really. A girl can only live for so long in slavery, having to do whatever her ‘master’ tells her to do without question, no matter how horrible it was. Such is the life of a slave; such is the life of Celestia. But not anymore, after today she’d be free, out of this household of hell, and away from ‘him.’ Her master.

            She wouldn’t have even considered escaping if it didn’t happen that day. Well, that’s a lie, Celestia pretty much always daydreamed about escaping and being free; she was just too scared to carry it out, and it’s not like she had a big reason to escape. Besides the daily chores and meager meals, life wasn’t too bad. She had some friends, other slaves like her, and most importantly she managed to avoid attention from her master.

            Damien is a sadistic, cruel vampire that wasn’t above committing horrible crimes against humanity. He abused, raped, and even killed the slaves that ‘misbehaved.’ The worst thing was that what he did wasn’t even against the law because they were his property. Vampires could do whatever they wanted with their human slaves by law as long as they legally owned them. And Damien would torture and rape any of the slaves that got on his bad side.

            That’s why Celestia absolutely had to leave now. She usually stayed out of trouble by avoiding him and hiding in the shadows. But today was different.

            Celestia was dusting of the shelves in the dining room, making sure to keep her head down because Damien was in the room having breakfast (yes, vampires eat too), and the last thing she wanted to do was draw attention to herself. Even in a house full of pretty girls, Celestia would be considered beautiful. As a slave, she was a little on the malnourished side, and was a bit more skinny than she should have been, but she still had small curves that could be considered attractive. Her beautiful face was usually covered by long, dark and wavy hair that contrasted with her pale skin, which was surprisingly smooth for a teenager without even the basic face wash, but her most striking feature by far was her eyes. The irises were colored an unusual light pink, and their wideness just added to her innocent look.

            Usually people would want to protect Celestia, but Damien was a sick man who liked to break fragile things and tarnish innocence. So trying to avoid Damien’s gaze, Celestia made sure her back was to him, and her face hidden behind her thick hair while she did her task. She heard the one of the slaves come in to serve Damien his breakfast.

            Glancing quickly to the side, she saw that it was the new girl. Amanda made Celestia look like an evil villain compared to her. She was tiny in both height and build, even for a girl. Her blue wide eyes were fearful as she tried to hide herself behind long blonde hair. Celestia couldn’t help but pity Amanda; she wouldn’t last long in this household.

            Celestia turned back to her job, not wanting to see the poor girl struggle helplessly. She knew she was being a coward, but what else would you expect of someone who grew up in slavery? At least that’s what she told herself when she had trouble sleeping at night.

            A loud crash brought Celestia out of her thoughts. “I-I’m sorry!” the girl’s soft voice exclaimed. When Celestia turned around, she saw the poor thing was quaking in fear. It seemed that she had dropped a glass, the fragments of which were scattered all over the table and floor. Celestia could almost feel the anger rolling off Damien, drowning out the fear of Amanda.

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